Dunjin mus je dočekao da ugleda svetlost dana u mojoj kuhinji povodom jednog lepog događaja. Pravila sam slične stvari ranije, ali ne sa slatkom pavlakom i to umućenom, koja se pokazala kao sjajan dodatak jakom plavom siru. Hvala Dunja!
300g Roqueforta (sobne temperature)
100g putera (sobne temperature)
200g slatke pavlake (izvaditi ranije iz frižidera)
beli biber
100g grubo seckanih oraha
seckani vlašac (ja sam ruzmarin stavila)
100 do 200g seckanih oraha za posipanje
Mikserom umutiti puter i Roquefort , pa im dodati beli biber i ruzmarin (vlašac). Mikserom dobro umutiti tečnu pavlaku (bez dodavanja šećera) i umešati je u masu. Dodati orahe. Stavit na radnu površinu aluminijumsku foliju, pa preko nje providnu foliju, preko providne folije ravnomerno posuti orahe i rasporediti masu po dužini folije u obliku kobasice. Urolati prvo u providnu, pa u alu foliju kao bombonu i staviti u frižider. Pre serviranja ostaviti ga na sobnoj temperaturi pola sata. Servirati uz francuski hleb ili krekere.
Dunja's mousse saw the light of day in our home on a special occasion and boy did it stand up to it! I made similar things before but never with a whipped up cream which turned out to be a perfect complement to the strong Roquefort. Thank you Dunja!
300g Roqueforta (room temperature)
100g butter (room temperature)
200g whipped cream
white pepper
100g of roughly sliced walnuts
100g to 200g of roughly sliced walnuts for the outer layer
With an electric mixer blend together the Roquefort and butter. Add whipped cream, walnuts pepper and rosemary. Place the plastic foil over the aluminum foil and then spread the walnuts on top. Place the mouse on top of the walnuts in a shape that you want to achieve. Roll the mousse in the plastic foil and then roll again in the aluminum foil. Place in the fridge for couple of hours. Take out of the fridge 30 minutes ahead of serving. Serve with French bread or crackers.