Miris mora na tanjiru i miris mora u kuhinji. Svako ko je probao ovo jelo zatvorenih očiju nije mogao da prepozna šta jede. Asocijacije su uvek na more i to verovatno zbog kombinacije peršuna, bosiljka, belog luka, paradajza i fete. Patlidžan se iseče na tanke listove ali samo do peteljke. Premaže se uljem i napuni ovim divnim mediteranskim nadevom.
Lepeza od patlidžana je mamin recept i nema godine da ga nisam pravila kad je patlidžan u sezoni. Možete ga jesti toplog ili hladnog, čak par šnita možete staviti u somun i napraviti sebi letnji sendvič. Može vam biti prilog ili glavno jelo. Prava poslastica za ljubitelje patlidžana, a i za one koji tek treba da ga zavole.
1 veći patlidžan, oko 800g
3-4 paradajza, oko 800g, tanki krugovi
250g fete, mrvljene
4-5 čena belog luka, sitno seckana
pešun i svež bosiljak, sitno seckan
so i maslinovo ulje
Patlidžan isecite na što tanje listove, negde oko 5mm debljine, ali tako da listovi ostanu pričvršćeni za peteljku. Posolite i nauljite svaki list patlidžana.
Stavite patlidžan u pleh koji ste obložili papirom za pečenje. Patlidžan punite između listova paradajzom, sirom, belim lukom, peršunom i bosiljkom. Punjen patlidžan položite da leži kao lepeza na plehu i dodatno ga pritisnite odozgo dlanom da se još malo razlista. Prelijte ga maslinovim uljem.
Pecite na 200 stepeni oko 60 minuta, a ukoliko tečnost koju pušta patlidžan nije isparile iz pleha nastavite sa pečenjem dok se to ne desi na nešto nižoj temperaturi. Dužina pečenja zavisi od veličine patlidžana.
Servirajte toplo ili hladno jelo. Može vam biti glavno jelo, prilog ili čak dodatak sendviču, recimo patlidžan u somunu.
Stavite patlidžan u pleh koji ste obložili papirom za pečenje. Patlidžan punite između listova paradajzom, sirom, belim lukom, peršunom i bosiljkom. Punjen patlidžan položite da leži kao lepeza na plehu i dodatno ga pritisnite odozgo dlanom da se još malo razlista. Prelijte ga maslinovim uljem.
Pecite na 200 stepeni oko 60 minuta, a ukoliko tečnost koju pušta patlidžan nije isparile iz pleha nastavite sa pečenjem dok se to ne desi na nešto nižoj temperaturi. Dužina pečenja zavisi od veličine patlidžana.
Servirajte toplo ili hladno jelo. Može vam biti glavno jelo, prilog ili čak dodatak sendviču, recimo patlidžan u somunu.
Smell of the sea on a plate and the mell of the sea in the kitchen. Yes, I am talking about this eggplant! The smell envelopes the house, and I can tell you anybody walking in would ask you if you are having seafood for dinner. I tried to give my guests this dish blindfolded so they could guess what it is, and they never guess. They don't even come close. I love the time of the aubergines when the fall is approaching. I love their color the deep purplish blue. I adore this dish my mom makes which I have taken as my own. With the fan on the table I know the abundant fall is knocking. Enjoy!
1 large aubergine (eggplant) around 800g
3 large tomatoes cut in half then sliced
300g of feta crumbled
3-4 garlic cloves finely chopped
cup of cut parsley
olive oil
basil (fresh or dry)
Wash the egg plant. Dry it and cut slices as thin as you possibly can like in the picture but make sure the cut slices are attached to the top that is intact. Salt each slice and and let rest for 30 minutes for the bitter water to drain. Oil all the slices. Stuff in between slices crumbled feta, tomato slices, garlic, basil and parsley as much as you can. When the stuffing falls out do not worry, you can stuff it in later. Transfer to an oven pan lined with baking paper and press with the palm of your hand. Add the filling that has fallen out. Drizzle with olive oil.
Bake at 200 Celsius for 60 minutes then reduce to 180 and bake for additional 30 minutes. Baking time depends on the size of the eggplant. For this size egg plant in the first hour it will produce water in the pan, but in the last 30 minutes the water will start evaporating. It needs too be baked well until nice and golden. Serve hot or cold, as a main or a side dish.
Bake at 200 Celsius for 60 minutes then reduce to 180 and bake for additional 30 minutes. Baking time depends on the size of the eggplant. For this size egg plant in the first hour it will produce water in the pan, but in the last 30 minutes the water will start evaporating. It needs too be baked well until nice and golden. Serve hot or cold, as a main or a side dish.