понедељак, 8. новембар 2010.


Ovaj recept nam stiže od našeg Pustolova Miloša, koji je po povratku iz Kine novim gastronomskim receptima obogatio našu kuhinju. Pitate se odakle u ovom receptu špagete. Po njegovom iskustvu, nema potrebe za kupovinom skupih kineskih rezanaca, pošto su špagete sasvim dobra zamena. Povrće koje dodajete možete menjati po svojoj želji, jedino je bitno da je sve sečeno na tanke prutiće i da postoji onaj vizuelni efekat šarenila na tanjiru. Ove noodle su fantastične i kad stoje par dana u frižideru, i mogu se jesti hladne ili tople. Ja ih često zamrznem u individualnim kesicama, odledim na sobnoj temperaturi i podgrejem u mikrotalasnoj. Belo vinsko sirće u receptu je ključ i količinu vam ne mogu reći u mililitar. Budite oprezni, u pitanju je količina do 3 supenih kašika. Ja sam čak kupila i pirinčano sirće, ali stvarno ne vidim veliku razliku u odnosu na vinsko sirće, osim što je malo slabijeg intenziteta. To sigurno i nije bilo pravo pirinčano sirće. Bolje je staviti manje, pa posle dodati po ukusu. Savetujem kvalitetan soja sos, a ne imitacije, a susamovo ulje daje još jednu dimenziju ovom jelu. (ukoliko ga nemate moraćete da zamislite). Ovo je moja slobodna interpretacija recepta koga sam usmeno dobila, a sledeći put zamolićemo Miloša  da zavirimo u njegovu kuhinju!


200g špageta
1 crni luka - rebarca
1 čen belog luka - sitno seckan
200g mlevenog belog mesa  
3 jaja
250g  brokolija - cvetića
3 šargarepa sečenih na tanke prutiće 
pola glavice manjeg kupusa - tanke froncle
belo vinsko sirće  ili pirinčano sirće
soja sos (Kikkoman)
susamovo ulje

U mleveno belo meso dodajte soja sos i malo soli i ostavite ga da se marinira oko pola sata, pa u njega razmutite cela jaja.

Za to vreme na pari skuvatjte šargarepu i brokoli tek toliko da malo splasnu ali da su i dalje hrskavi ili ih jednostavno ispržite u voku na jakoj vatri i na malo ulja.

U velikoj šerpi na ulju propržite crni i beli luk. Izvadite ih, pa na istom tom ulju sipajte belo meso razmućeno u jajima i mešajte uz dolivanje vode dok meso ne bude gotovo, a tečnost ne ispari. Vratite luk u prženo meso kao i brokoli i šargarepu, pa dodajte svež kupus, kao i soja sos, susamovo ulje, sirće i so. Promešajte i poklopite. Ostavite da se kupus upari dok vi ne skuvate špagete.

Dodajte kuvane špagete u jelo. Doterajte ukus sa soja sosom, susamovim uljem i sirćetom. Vratite na ringlu i mešajte malo oko minut-dva. Možete dodati i malo vode dok mešate. Ostavite noodles poklopljene oko pola sata  pre serviranja. Ovo se sjajno zamrzava ovako gotovo samo ih sipajte u posudicu plastičnu i odledite na sobnoj temperaturi ili u mikrotalasnoj.


This recipe came to our home from our cousin, a world trotter Milosh, who enriched my recipe notebook with new delicacies from a far away land of China. You might ask yourself what are spaghetti doing in this recipe. In his experience, spaghetti are an OK substitute for the expensive Chinese noodles that are sold in Serbia and are sometimes hard to find. The vegetables that you add are up to your liking and keeping in mind that you want a visually colorful end result, as well as the tasty one full of your favorite vegetables. This recipe serves 6 to 8, but you can make them only for yourself because they keep great in the fridge and can be reheated in the microwave. I often freeze them and just defrost a night before. They can be served cold or hot to your liking. The amount of oil might seem a bit too much, but it is needed to cover them nicely so they don't stick together. The key to the recipe is white vinegar and I can not tell you the exact amount since concentrations of vinegars are different around the world. Add in teaspoons and taste. Sesame oil is a beautiful touch. I must admit that this is my interpretation of his recipe that I got over the phone. The next time we will ask Milosh to take a peek in his kitchen.

200g spaghetti
1 onions sliced
1 garlic cloves finely cut
200g of ground chicken breast
3 eggs
250g broccoli steamed - flowers 
3 carrots julienne steamed
raw cabbage cut finely into long thin strips
sunflower oil
white vinegar
soy sauce
sesame oil

In a large pan on couple of tablespoon of oil fry the onion for 30 seconds and then add the garlic. Take the onions out of the pot. Marinate the chicken meat in soy sos and add it to lightly beaten egg. Add the meat in eggs to the pan that you have fried the onion in. Fry until cooked while slowly adding water and until the water has evaporated and the chicken i s done. Steam the vegetables in a steamer. Leave the cabbage raw. Cook the spaghetti. Add onion to the chicken and add in the carrots and broccoli. Add soy sauce, salt, vinegar, sesame oil and sir. Add in the fresh cabbage and cover the pot for the cabbage to steam in the pot. In the mean while cook the spaghetti. Add in the spaghetti and season with more salt, soy sauce, vinegar and sesame oil to your taste.

Ovaj prelepi set za čaj od terakote iz Kine je poklon od našeg Pustolova Miloša.
This beautiful terracotta tea set was a gift from our globetrotter Milosh.

Vredne i malene ruke su individualne cvetove čaja pretvorile u loptice. Kuglice se potom u vreloj vodi razmotaju.

The individual tea leaves are rolled and formed in a shape of a ball. The ball then unwrap in hot water.