среда, 7. јул 2010.




12 belanaca (veća jaja)
250g kristal šećera i 2 kesice vanil šećera
250g mlevenih pečenih lešnika
80g mekog belog brašna
malo putera za premazivanje papira za pečenje, oko 20g

12 žumanaca
250g kristal šećera i 2 kesice vanil šećera
300g putera sobne temperature
150g mlevenih pečenih lešnika*

oko 2 kašike džema od kajsija
1 kašičica vode ako je džem gust

250-300g prah šećera 
2 kašike ulja
oko 3-4 kašičica limunovog soka
1 belance sobne temperature

30-50g čokolade za kuvanje (bolje više nego manje)
kašičica ulja
100g krupno mrvljenog pečenog lešnika

Lešnike, bilo da se radi o sirovim ili već pečenim, obavezno treba ispeći ili dopeći u rerni, jer se pun miris i ukus lešnika tek tada može osetiti. Nepečene lešnike staviti u pleh od rerne i tek onda uključiti rernu na 170 stepeni. Pecite dok im opna malo ne potamni i dok ne počnete da osećate aromu lešnika u kuhinji. Za nepečene je potrebno, ako počnete od hladne rerne, negde oko 25 minuta. Isti je postupak i sa pečenima samo je vreme pečenja malo kraće. Opna treba da potamni, skoro da je crna, a lešnici da su svetle boje karamel. 

Obložite dublju posudu nekom starom krpom koju planirate da bacite i sipajte unutra vrele lešnike. Uvrnite kraj i trljajte lešnike. Ukloniti ljuspice i ostavite ih da se ohlade.

* Za ovaj recept ja kupim 500g nepečenih lešnika. Kad se ispeku i kad ih oljuštite tu bude koji gram manje. Odmah odvojim 100g  koje smrskam tučkom u kesi ili krupno isečem za dekoraciju oko torte. Ostatak sameljem i izdvojim 250g za kore, a šta ostane ide u fil, znači bude tu manje i od 150g za fil.

Mikserom umutite belanca u polučvrsti sneg pa postepeno dodajte kristal i vanil šećer i nastavite sa mućenjem dok ne dobijete čvrst šam. Pomešajte 250g mlevenog lešnika i 5 kašika brašna i u nekoliko navrata dok vam je mikser na najmanjoj brzini ih umešajte u šam da se smesa ujednači.

Spremite 6 papira za pečenje, veličine da mogu da stanu na pleh i na svakom flomasteorm nacrtajte krug prečnika 22cm. 

Izvadite pleh od rerne napolje. Uključite rernu na 170 stepeni (bez fena). Okrenite pleh na poleđinu, stavite na njega papir za pečenje tako da je šara okrenuta na dole (da se ne precrta na koru). naputerišite površinu kruga. Rasporedite lagano oko 4 punih kašika šama za kore. Stavite pleh sa korom da se peče oko 13-14 minuta. Pečenu koru sa sve papirom stavite na ravnu površinu pokrivenu platnom, recimo stolnjakom, da se tako hlade jedna do druge. Dok se kora peče vratite posudu sa šamom u frižider. Kad ispečete prvu koru pustite da se pleh prohladi ili odmah nastavite ako imate drugi hladan i nastavite sa još 5 kora. Kore hladite na stolnjaku bez odvajanja od papira za pečenje.

    Mikserom kratko umutite 12 žumanaca sa 250g šećera i 2 vanil šećera samo da se zabeli. Kuvajte na pari, ali tako da posuda u kojoj su jaja zaptiva dobro posudu u kojoj ste sipali oko dva do tri prsta vode. Tek kad voda proključa, stavite šerpu sa jajima i kuvajte uz mešanje varjačom 14-15 minuta. U početku ne morate mnogo mešati, na minut-dva, a kasnije češće. Ostavite fil da se ohladi. Umutite hladan fil mikserom. Umutite mikserom puter sobne temperature i spojite ga sa filom. Dodajte mleveni lešnik i mutite oko minut da fil bude vazdušast.

      Odvojite 2 kašike fila za premaz oko torte. Odvojite najlepšu i najdeblju koru i sačuvajte je za vrh torte. Podelite ostatak fila u 5 šoljica. Poslužavnik obložite papirom za pečenje. Na njemu ćete slagati i filovati tortu a kad se stegne možete je preneti na tacnu za serviranja. Skinite papir sa pečene kore i filujte tortu. Poslednja kora koju ste sklonili treba da bude okrenuta tako da joj je ravna strana na gore i preko nje ne ide fil.

      Preko poslednje, pete kore staviti papir za pečenje, pa onda još jedan poslužavnik, a preko njega nešto što će malo pritisnuti i izravnati tortu. Ja  stavim 2 mleka od litar ili šerpu sa malo vode koja odgovara veličini torte. Staviti tortu u frižider sa sve tegovima bilo da su mleka ili šerpa da se niveliše oko pola sata, a nakon toga sa one 2 kašike fila premažite oko torte.

      Poslednju koru premažite tankim slojem vrelog džema koji ste razredili sa kašikom vode i zagrejali u maloj šerpici na šporetu. Džem će onemogućiti upijanje bele glazure u prvu koru, a i daje specijalni šmek torti jer pomalo kisi. Izvadite sve ljuspice iz džema ili ga jednostavno vrelog propasirajte kroz sito ili to uradite štapnim mikserom. Tortu stavite u frižider na oko pola sata-sat,da se džem stegne. Ako stoji duže belu glazuru morate brže nanositi jer se brzo hladi i steže.

      Pre počinjanja sa belom glezurom otopite čokoladu, jer se čokoladna šara nanosi na tek stavljenu mekanu  glazuru, da bi se šare lep napravile i pripremite štapić drveni za ražnjić kojim ćete šarati.   Spremite seckani lešnik koji ide oko torte.

      Umutite 1 belance sobne temperature u čvrst šam. Ako stavite ono iz frižidera glazura će se brzo stegnuti i šaru onda teško nanosite. Odvadite od snega jednu četvrtinu sa strane jer se desi da je belance preveliko i da traži puno šećera. U sneg sipajte oko 250g prah šećera, limunov sok, i ulje i mutite mikserom. Ako je potrebno dodajte još šećera ili još snega. Treba da dobijete gust krem koji nije isuviše tečan ali ni pregust da se razmazuje i ne zapinje. Vrelim mokrim širokim nožem premazati tortu. Ukoliko imate neravnina to možete popraviti fenom za kosu. Odmah nanesite čokoladnu šaru. Umesto belanca možete koristiti vrelu vodu, oko 4 punih kašika za povezivanje smese. Belanac daje lepšu belinu glazure.

        Otopite čokoladu sa uljem na pari ili na slaboj vatri, pa je sipajte u špic-vrh od neke debele kesice. Ovde vam ne treba baš 50g čokolade, ali je bolje imati više nego manje. Sa 50g možete malo vežbati pre nanošenja šare. Šarajte linije ili krugove, pa zatim štapićem za ražnjić ili tupom ivicom noža vucite linije pod uglom od 45 stepeni jednu ka dole, drugu ka gore. Lešnik koji je za oko torte zalepiti rukama i time sprečite da bela glazura bilo gde procuri.

        Esterhazicu treba napraviti bar 2 dana pre serviranja da bi dozvolili sastojcima da se prožmu. Kako stoji ona postaje sve lepša i lepša, a ono poslednje parče je najlepše. Ova torta se ne radi na brzinu, pa zato odvojite jedno popodne za pravljenje ove divote. 


          12 egg whites
          250g of crystal sugar
          20g of vanille sugar
          250g of ground hazelnuts
          80g of flour

          12 egg yolks
          250g of crystal sugar
          20g vanille sugar
          300g of butter at room temperature
          150g of ground hazelnuts

          around 2 tablespoons of apricot jam
          1 teaspoon of water

          WHITE ICING
          300-400g of fine sugar
          2 teaspoons of sunflower oil
          3-4 teaspoons of lemon juice
          around 4 tablespoons of hot water

          50g of dark chocolate
          1 teaspoon of oil
          100g of roughly chopped hazelnuts

          Place hazelnuts in the oven tray in the cold oven, turn it up to 170-180 degrees, and bake  until the nice aroma starts to come out of the oven and they get a bit darker, their skins turn almost black or dark brown and the hazelnuts are caramel color. You need to watch the oven and decide when to take them out. It might take 15-25 minutes. This will bring out the aroma of the hazelnuts needed for this cake even though they are all ready baked. Almonds, now they need to stay white, but hazelnuts are not good in a cake if their aroma is not present. From time to time, just open the oven and carefully try one to see if the center is nice and crispy, but be careful not to burn your self. Let them cool. Set aside 100g and roughly chop them. They will go around the cake at the end. The rest need to be ground. If you have a grounding machine it is better since a food processor might turn the hazelnuts into a creamy mush. If you are using the processor do it in short intervals so they do not have the consistency of peanut butter but of fine powder. Divide the ground ones into 2 batches of 250g and 150g for the layers and the filling.

          With an electric mixer eat stiffly egg whites while gradually adding 250g of sugar and vanilla sugar for about 5 minutes until the high peaks form. Turn the mixer to the lowest speed and add in 250g of hazelnuts mixed with flour. Cut baking paper into squares and draw a circle of 25cm in diameter. Turn the paper over and spoon on delicately inside a circle one fifth of the beaten egg white mixture. Place the mixture in the fridge until you finish baking one layer. Place the paper with the layer on the up side down oven tray in the preheated oven at 160 degrees Celsius (no fan) and bake for 14 minutes. They will look soft but that is how we want them. Your finger should not stick to the layer when you touch it.  Take the layer out together with the paper and place on an even surface. Repeat with the next 4 layers but placing them on the cool oven tray. If you have a spring form pan with the removable bottom that is 25cm in diameter just cut out the baking paper to fit the bottom and spoon in the pan. Make sure to cool the bottom of the pan before placing the egg white mixture for the next layer into it. Place all the layers next to each other. 

          The filling is cooked in a double boiler. If you do not have a double boiler just choose two pots so that the smaller one fits perfectly in the larger one and there is no large gaps. Fill the larger pot with water for about an inch place on the stove and bring the water to a boil. Mix the egg yolks with 250g of sugar for 30 seconds with an electric mixer in a smaller pot. Place the smaller pot into the larger one and cook for 14-15 minutes. Stir every 2-3 minutes for a bit with a wooden spoon always scraping of the sides and the bottom. Near the end stir constantly. Let the filling cool. Mix the cook yolks with the electric mixer for 30 seconds and add in the butter that is at the room temperature and that you have mixed for 2 minutes. Add in the 150g of ground hazelnuts and mix some more. Set aside 2 tablespoons of the filling to go around the torte later. Divide the filling into 4 cups. Line the up side down tray with baking paper. Go over to your hazelnut layers and choose the thickest on that will go on to. Remove the baking paper from the one of the layers and place it onto a tray. Spoon on and even out one forth of the filling. Place another layer on top. Then peel of the paper from it. Place the filling...At the end place the last layer so the even side is on top. Place a baking paper over the torte. Press a bit with your hands to even it out. Place a tray over the torte and now place something heavy on top so the torte would be even and all the filling spreads evenly. I placed a pot with some water at the bottom. Place the whole torte with the pot in the fridge for 30 minutes. 

          Heat the apricot jam and water on the stove. Remove the top baking paper from the torte and spread the jam on top of it. We want a very thin layer, just barely covering the torte. Place the torte back in the fridge for 30 minutes for the jam to cool. When the 30 minutes are up, spread the 2 tablespoon of the filling that you have set aside around the cake.

          WHITE ICING
          By hand mix 400g of powder sugar, oil, lemon juice while adding teaspoon by teaspoon of hot water until the mixture is creamy, but not runny. Mix vigorously for couple of minutes. The sugar should be lemony. With a hot and wet large knife spread quickly the icing over the apricot layer only on top. You will need around 250-300g of powdered sugar but it is better to have more then less, since when you start spreading you can not go back. You will have some left over icing. If it is a bit uneven just turn on the hair dryer and heat the icing for it to smooth out a bit.

            Before starting with the icing have the chocolate ready since it needs to go onto a soft icing in order to get the web. Melt the chocolate with a teaspoon of oil, place in a pipping bag, or a harder plastic bag in the corner and cut the tip of. Draw circles on the cake, then with a knife (not the sharp side) or a wooden skewer run lines at 45 degree angle to the cake to get the decoration. Each line should be in a different direction. One running away from you and the next one running to you. Press the remaining 80g of crushed hazelnuts around the cake. Let rest in the fridge for at least 24 hours before tasting. This is a sort of cake that gets better as times go by. We usually enjoy ours for 7 days.