Predivno bavarsko pecivo koje ste sigurno probali, ali ga možda niste spremali u kućnoj radinosti. Toliko sam ih puta pravila, da ih mogu raditi i zatvorenih očiju. Za ljubitelje barenog pa onda pečenog peciva, peciva koje je pomalo gumasto, ovo je prava poslastica. Nemojte ih raditi ukoliko nemate morske soli, jer ona daje taj specijalni šmek. Krupnu morsku so možete kupiti svuda po ceni od pola evra za pola kilograma, a trajaće vam jako dugo.
Recept za Bavarske perece možete pogledati ovde.
I još nešto, one se jedu sa Vajkremom, krem maslacom, Philadelphia krem sirom, ili ako volite sa ljutim toplim i medenim senfom. Recept je iz časopisa Sale&Peppe. U receptu se navode 3 kašičice sitne soli, ali je to preslano, pa sam količinu smanjila na jednu kašičicu.
450g belog brašna
7g suvog kvasca
1 kašičice šećera
topla voda (100ml +180ml)
1 ravna kašičice sitne soli
3 litre vode
60g sode bikarbone
krupna morska so
Pripemite veliku šerpu u kojoj ćete kuvati kifle, pleh od rerne obložen papirom za pečenje i i jednu čistu krpu.
U 100g brašna dodajte kvasac i šećer, 100ml tople vode, pa viljuškom pomešajte i ostavite na toplom oko 30 minuta. U retko testo dodajte 180ml tople vode, so i postepeno umešajte ostatak brašna. Mesite dok ne dobijete lepo i elastično testo, nekih 5 minuta. Ostavite testo da narasta 60 minuta. Već kada prođe 45 minuta stavite veliku šerpu sa oko 3 litra vrele vode na šporet da proključa.
Premesite testo. Formirajte ga u oblik valjka i isecite na 8 jednakih delova. Spustite diskove testa na blago pobrašnjanu radnu površinu, pa oglagijom istanjite malo disk ali počnite od sredine diska ostavljajući debeljuškasti deo testa. Testo možete stanjiti i pomoću dlana. Znači, jedan deo kruga ostaje debeljuškast i taj deo će biti centar kifle oko koje motate.
Dodajte proključaloj vodi sodu bikarbonu. Ubacite jednu po jednu kiflu u vodu i to slobodno jednu preko druge. Nije bitno što nema mesta jer se neće lepiti. Kuvajte oko 2 minuta. Vadite ih rešetkastom kašikom i spustite na krpu par sekundi da upije višak vode pa ih prebacite u pleh. Zasecite nožem na par mesta svaku kiflu i malo razmaknite prorez da se vidi belo testo ispod. Pospite krupnu morsku so preko svake.
Pecite na 220 stepeni dok ne dobiju lepu braonkastu nijansu negde oko 20 minuta. Pečene možete zamrznuti. Jedite uz krem maslac, Vajkrem, Philadelphia krem sir...
I adore Bavarian rolls and pretzels so here is the recipe that I have been using for some time now and that has passed all my tests. It is a simple pastry to make, just have to be organized in the kitchen and make sure you put the pot with water to boil and turn on the oven. I make double batch and then freeze them, later just defrost in the microwave. We eat them with cream cheese, plain or use for a sandwich. I hope you give them a try! They are my favorite pastry!
450g of white flour (110g + 350g)
7g of active dry yeast
1 teaspoons of sugar
warm water (100ml+180ml)
1 even teaspoons of fine salt
3 liters of water
60g of baking soda
coarse sea salt
Mix with a fork 100g of flour, sugar and yeast in a large pot and add 100ml of warm water. Leave in a warm room for 30 minutes. Add in 180ml of water, fine salt and the rest of the flour add in gradually. Knead until you get a nice dough that is elastic and it does not stick to your finger for about 5 minutes. Leave the ball of dough to rest for 60 minutes.
When you reach 45 minutes, place a large pot with water to boil on a stove and prepare an oven pan that you have lined with baking paper or just butter it up well.
Knead the dough again punching the air out. Shape into a sausage and cut into 8 equal parts.. Roll out each part like in the picture so the end is not flattened just the rest of the ball. Start rolling from the bulky part. This will be the center of your Bavarian roll. By now your water should be boiling on the stove.
Add the baking powder into the boiling water and drop all of the rolls in. Cook for app. 2 minutes. Take them out and place on a clean kitchen cloth for couple of seconds, otherwise they will stick to it. Transfer them to the oven pan that you have generously buttered up or place baking paper on it. With a knife cut the roll just on the surface going into the whiter inner part of the dough a bit in a couple of places. Sprinkle them with coarse sea salt.
Bake at 220 degrees Celsius (no fan) until nice and golden, app.20-25 minutes. Serve with cream cheese.