недеља, 11. септембар 2011.


Još jedan sjajan recept iz kuhinje Cooks and Bakes - vašarske tortilje, dorađena verzija Majinog starog recepta. Divne, meke, savitljive, elastične, pomalo žilave, ali taman koliko treba, i savršene za pljeskavice i ćevape. 

Majo, bravo majstore!

za 6 tortilja; teflonski tiganj veličine 22cm

250g + 250g mekog belog brašna
2 ravne kašičice soli
250ml tople vode
5g svežeg kvasca  1% od težine brašna
malo ulja

Razmutiti kvasac u malo tople vode (2 kašičice) od 250ml, pa ga sipati u šerpu gde ste 250g brašna, ostatak vode i so i varjačom ulupati dok ne dobijete glatku masu. Ostaviti na toplom mestu 2 sata dok se ne pojave mehurići na površini.

Postepeno dodati ostatak brašna dok ne dobijete lepo i elastično testo koje se ne lepi za ruke. Spustiti jufku u  nauljenu posudu, pokriti folijom posudu i ostaviti da se odmori 15 minuta.

Kuglu ponovo premesiti i podeliti na 6 jufkica, a svaku spolja nauljiti. Iskrojiti jedan krug od papira za pečenje veličine dna tiganja. Staviti suv teflonski tiganj da se greje na 4-om podeoku (od 6). Na radnoj površini razvući jufku oklagjom do veličine tiganja - 22cm, pa prebaciti na papir za pečenje i još malo oklagijom razvući tortilju pošto se priliko prenosa skuplja. Podvući ruku ispod tortilje i zajedno je sa papirom spustiti na zagrejan tiganj, tako da je papir ogrenut ka gore. Kada ste je spustili u tiganj preko papira slobodno možete još pritisnuti tortilju i uzravnati je, a onda nakon nekih 15-ak sekundi skinite papir i iskoristite ga za sledeće tortilje.

Peći 1-2 minuta sa svake strane. Treba da dobiju pegice kao palačinke i da se malo naduvaju. Tople ređati jednu na drugu u šerpu obloženu krpom. Poklopiti i ostaviti da se upare 15-ak minuta. Ukoliko ih sve ne iskoristite, kada se ohlade umotajte ih u novu, čistu i suvu krpu, pa stavite u plastičnu kese.


Tortillas are found all around the world only they are under a different name. Here they are sold at street fairs with barbecue, ćevapi and pljeskavice, a traditional Serbian barbecue. Maja, from a blog Cooks and Bakes, found a perfect recipe for those street fair tortillas. They are soft, elastic, moist and wonderful. If you can get your hands on ćevapčići the experience will be memorable.

for 6 tortillas and a frying pan of 22cm in diameter

500g of flour
2 even teaspoons of salt
250ml of warm water
5g of fresh yeast

Mix the yeast with 2 teaspoons of warm water that you have taken out of the 250ml and add it to a pan that you have put half of the flour, 250g, salt and water. Mix for a minute, and leave in the warm place for 2 hours. Small bubbles will start to form on the top of the dough.

Slowly add the rest of the flour and knead into an elastic dough that does not stick to the fingers. Place the bowl of dough in an oiled bowl, cover the bowl with cling film and leave to rest for 15 minutes. In the meanwhile cut oz baking paper into a circle that can fit the bottom of your frying pan. Mine was 22cm in diameter.

Knead the dough again, and divide into 6 balls and oil the surface of each ball. Put the pan with out oil on the stove and turn the heat on. It should be medium heat. Now take one ball and with a rolling pin roll out a circle of 22cm. Transfer the circle onto a baking paper cut out. The dough will shrink when transferred. Roll it out some more to fit the paper. When the pan is hot, transfer the paper and the dough on it into the pan, so that the paper is on top. Even out the paper and the dough while it is in a pan. and then remove the paper and set aside for the rest of the tortillas. Bake for around 1-2minutes on each side.

Place tortillas in a large pan that you have lined with a kitchen towel. Close and put a lid on top. Let them absorb moisture for 15 minutes before serving. Repeat the process with the rest of the dough balls. Serve with hamburgers and finely sliced onions.