уторак, 16. август 2011.


Prvo pogledajte reklamu za Nirvana sladoled, pa onda idemo dalje.

Nirvana, karamel sladoled sa karamel prelivom i karamelizovanim pekan orasima kompanije Nestle, je jedini industrijski sladoled koji se meni dopada i koji na žalost ima, shodno svom kvalitetu, i divnu visoku cenu. Kada je Dade objavilo post o pravom sladoledu na Majinom blogu koji je nastao dvogodišnjom saradnjom sa Majom, njihovim eksperimentisanjem, prepiskom na sajtu BeCook, dodavanjem i oduzimanjem, poneseni entuzijazmom pronalaska formule za savršen sladoled u kućnoj izradi, znala sam da je to prava stvar-osnova za moju Nirvanu. 

Ceo proces izgleda komplikovano, ali zaista nije. Prvi put zapišite sebi sve, a sledeći put ćete raditi bez gledanja u papir, očas posla, i to garantujem da ćete novu turu praviti čim prva bude pred kraj.

Od ove količine se dobije preko 900g sladoleda. Nemojte da vas zavaravaju pakovanja industrijskih sladoleda. Iako je kutija od litar, u nju stane nekad i tričavih 500g sladoleda, jer su industrijski sladoledi naduvani, puni vazduha, pa gramaža ni približno ne odgovara volumenu. Jedino što ovaj sladoled nema su emulgatori, boje, i aditivi, a sve ostalo je tu.


2.5 litara hladne vode
250g soli
šerpa od 5 litara

U šerpi zapremine oko 5 litara (prečnika 25cm) sipati vodu i so, pa mešati dok se sva so ne rastvori.
Šerpu staviti u zamrzivač.

KARAMELIZOVANO KONDENZOVANO MLEKO...nekoliko minuta posla...2 sata kuvanja 
50g kristal šećera
1 litar mleka 3.2 ili 3.8%mm
šerpa od 2.5-2.8 litara (sutradan treba da stane u ovu sa ledom a da ima mesta okolo za led)

U šerpi zapremine manje od 3 litre sipati šećer i uključiti šporet na srednju vatru. Ne mešati, već čekati da se šećer sam od sebe karamelizuje. Kada je svetlo žute boje, ne želimo da potamni mnogo, naliti sa 1 litar mleka, varjačom malo odići šećer od dna i ostaviti na tihoj vatri, 2-3 podeok od 6, da se kuva, nepoklopljeno. Meni je proces trajao 160minuta, a kada sam pojačavala vatru u drugoj turi pravljenja trajao je 120 minuta. Mleko ne kipi, niti zagoreva. Dade kaže da može i na jačoj vatri, za nekih pola sata, ali verovatno tom mleku treba nadzor. Meni je ovako lakše. 

Kako da znam da je ostalo 500ml kondenzovanog mleka?

Povremeno, dok kuvate, vrelo mleko sipajte u plastičnu mericu od litar da vidite koliko mleka je ostalo ili ako nemate mericu onda pre kuvanja na vagi stavite drvenu dasku i šerpu u kojoj je mleko, izmerite i zapišite, pa takom kuvanja merite mleko sa sve šerpom na dasci čekajući da se težina smanji za 500g. Ne skidajte kajmak sa mleka! Na kraju odvaditi 6-7 kašika kuvanog kondenzovanog mleka i dodati je smesi koja je dole navedena.

DODATAK KONDENZOVANOM MLEKU.........nekoliko minuta posla
5 žumanaca
50g kristal šećera
2 vanil šećera (ne mora)
6-7 kašika odvađenih od kondenzovanog mleka

Viljuškom kratko umutiti gore navedene sastojke pa ih sipati u mleko koje je počelo da vri. Mešati varjačom sa ravnom ivicom. Kada počne ponovo da vri treba vam oko minut da postignete željenu konzistenciju gušćeg jogurta. Ostaviti da se ohladi tako u šerpi, pa onda staviti u frižider do sutra. Ako smesa ima grumuljice koje su porekla neodvađenog kajmaka (ne skidajte kajmak), ne brinite. Sve će to sutra lepo izgledati kada se umuti mikserom.

KARAMEL PRELIV.........oko 10 minuta
250g kristal šećera
50g putera
250ml slatke pavlake Imlek 36%mm

Prvo zagrejati slatku pavlaku u šerpici onako da skoro provri, pa je staviti sa strane.U dubljoj šerpi sa teškim dnom ili običnoj, sipati šećer i uključiti ringlu na srednju vatru, recimo 4 od 6 podeoka. Ne dirati i ne mešati, i ostaviti da šećer sam počne da karamelizuje. Povremeno možete malo okrenuti šerpu levo-desno. Karamelizovani deo će početi da probija kroz nekaramelizovani, a tada možete uzeti šerpu za dršku i vrteti je malo iznad plotne, odignutu. Kada je šećer skoro karamelizovan, maknuti sa vatre, smanjiti na 2 podeok, dodati puter, i pomešati dok se on ne istopi. Puter i šećer se neće u potpunosti sjediniti. Doliti prethodno zagrejanu slatku pavlaku, ali manju količinu. Promešati, pa doliti ostatak. Vratiti na ringlu. Mešati, naravno varjačom, par minut da se sve ujednači na 2. podeoku. Smesa će biti razjedinjena sa većim nakupinama karamela i tečnim delom, ali ćese vremenom sve sjediniti i ujednačiti. Kada je skoro da se ujednači, pojačati na 5.podeok i uz stalno mešanje kuvati još oko minut da se malo zgusne. Ostaviti da se malo ohladi, pa sipati u teglicu. Pre prelivanja sladoleda stavite teglicu u vrelu vodu da karamel postane ređi jer nam za ovaj sladoled treba na sobnoj temperaturi. Čuvati ostatak u frižideru, ili ga zamrznite. U zamrzivaču se neće u potpunosti zamrznuti, tako da je spreman za upotrebu jako brzo.

Ja sam potrošila trećinu karamel preliva za ovaj sladoled, a od ovog recepta se dobije oko 350g. 


UŠEĆERENI ORASI.............nekoliko minuta posla
100g krupno seckani oraha
1 puna kašika meda
1 kašika vode
1 kašičica ulja
nekoliko kašika kristal šećera za posipanje

U šerpici sipati med, vodu i ulje, dovesti do vrenja, pa ubaciti orahe i 2-3 minuta dok orasi ne popiju svu tečnost. Ako med počne da gori, tj. da poprima jako tamnu boju, sklonite sa ringle i nastavite sa mešanjem. Tople orahe sipajte u ravan tanjir u kome ste sipali 2 kašike kristal šećera, pospite još malo po njima i mešajte da se orasi lepo oblože, a onda ih tako tople prebacite na ravni tanjir i prstima razdvojite da se suše nekih 30 minuta dok ne napravite sladoled. Recept u duploj dozi možete videti ovde, samo što sam izostavila mrvu soli u ovoj verziji.

HLAĐENJE SLADOLEDA........oko 15 minuta

Izvaditi led iz frižidera, našu mašinu za sladoled u kućnoj izradi. Drškom varjače lupajte po površini dok ne razbijete led u sitne parčiće. Led se brzo pretvara u bljuzgavicu, pravu beogradsku, ali čistu. Sliku postupka vidite kod Maje. Zaronite šerpu sa sladoledom u lonac sa ledom, tako da je led na dnu i oko nje i ostavite nekih 15 do 20 minuta ili mešajte varjačom skidajući sladoled sa dna i ivica, pa će proces trajati kraće.

MUĆENJE SLADOLEDA.............oko 5 minuta

Dok je sladoled još u ledu uključite mikser i mutite ga oko 5 minuta dok se ne duplira u volumenu. Imaće konzistenciju divnog krema.

ZAVRŠNICA.......2 minuta

U gotov sladoled ubacite karamelizovane orahesa kojih ste otresli višak kristal šećera. Promešajte. Dno i ivice posude za sladoled u kome ćete ga zamrznuti premažite Majinim karamelom, sipajte pola sladoleda, pa onda sipajte tečni karamel iz teglice. Ja sam teglicu zronila 5 minuta u vrelu vodu da bi karamel lepše sipala. Ako pravite tanke niti karamela on se neće ni primetiti. Najlepše je kada i veća količina karamela sklizne. Prelijte ostatkom sladoleda i ponovo prošarajte kramelom. Stavite sladoled u zamrzivač. Može se jesti nakon nekoliko sati....ako izdržite da ga ne liznete.



This is the recipe for home made ice cream, that came about as a result of a two year long experimenting, by trial and error. I knew right away that this perfection for vanilla base ice cream would be my base for Nirvana ice cream. I do not know if you have Nirvana at your stores, but take a look at the YouTube video at the top of the post and see what I am talking about. A caramel ice cream, with caramelized pecans and caramel in it. Perfection! With the help of Maja and Dade I made this version. You have to understand that condensed milk is hard to come by here in Serbia, so a home made version, where you let the milk boil and reduce to half its volume is a great recipe. The two of them gave us a home made ice cream machine, using basic chemistry that I would not have thought of. For those of you who do not have an ice cream machine, this is a real treat. Well, prepare yourself for a pleasure experience. If it looks too long, this recipe I mean, do not get frightened. You will have to look at the recipe the first time, and already when you are near the end of your first bowl you will be starting a next batch, but you wont have to look at the recipe, because it is so easy.


HOME MADE ICE CREAM MACHINE.......3 minutes of work
2,5 liters of water
250g of salt
5 liter cooking pot

In a pot that holds around 5 liters (diameter 25cm) pour the water, add in the salt and stir for a while until the salt dissolves. Place the pot in the freezer overnight.

CARAMELIZED CONDENSED MILK...couple of minutes of work...2 hours of cooking
50g of caster sugar
1 liter of full fat milk 3,2-3,8% fat

In a pot that holds close to 3 liters (diameter of the bottom 17cm since it needs to fit in the large one that is in the freezer) place sugar and turn to medium heat. Wait for the sugar to caramelize, only tilting the pot from side to side. Do not stir. When the sugar is light golden pour in the milk and right away with a wooden spoon lift of the sugar that is stuck to the bottom, reduce the heat to a minimum (2 out of 6 dials) and cook until the milk has dropped to half of its volume. How will you know when it has reached 500ml. Well, from time to time pour in the boiling milk in a measuring cup and see if it has reached 500ml. It took me over 2 hours. You can do it faster with the heat turned up more, but you will need to supervise the pot. This way with the heat on low just check and measure from time to time. Take out 6-7 tablespoons of this caramelized condensed milk for the next step.

If you have condensed milk in your store, buy the unsweetened kind. Caramelize 50g of sugar, pour in 500ml of condensed milk and bring to a simmer just letting the sugar dissolve. This is the faster version. Take out 6-7 tablespoons of this milk. You will need it for the next stage.

ADDITIONAL......couple of minutes of work
5 egg yolks
50g of caster sugar
10g of vanilla sugar
6-7 tablespoons of the caramelized condensed milk

With a fork lightly beat all of the above ingredients and pour them in into the caramelized condensed milk that you have brought to a simmer. Stir constantly, and when it starts to come to a simmer again cook for an additional minute. Take of the stove and let cool at room temperature. Place in the fridge till the next day.

CARAMEL TOPPING...10 minutes of work
250g of caster sugar
50g of butter
250ml heavy whipping cream 36%fat

Here is the original recipe. Place the heavy cream in a pot and heat till it comes to a boiling point. Take of the stove and set aside. Place the sugar in a heavy bottom deep pot or a regular pot, and turn the heat to a medium. Do not stir, just wait for the sugar to caramelize occasionaly tilting the pot from side to side. When the sugar is light golden, take aside and place in the butter. Turn the heat to low. Stir until the butter has dissolved. Pour in a third of the cream that you have previously heated. Pour in the rest of the cream and stir. Place on the stove and keep stirring with a wooden spoon. It will have clumps and will look like it will never come together. It will. When all the clumps have melts and the caramel is uniform, turn up the heat and stir for a minute or two until it thickens. Pour into a jar when it cools a bit. You do not need all of this caramel, app. a third. Just keep it in the fridge or in the freezer. It can keep for a long time.


CARAMELIZED WALNUTS...couple of minutes of work
100g of roughly cut walnuts or pecans
1 full tablespoon of honey
1 tablespoon of water
1 teaspoon of oil
couple of tablespoons of caster sugar

I used my recipe, just halved the ingredients and left out the salt. You can see the pictures here. Place the honey, water and oil in a pot and bring to a boil. Add in the pecans or walnuts and stir on medium heat for couple of minutes until the walnuts have absorbed the liquid or most of it. If the honey starts to burn take it of the stove and stir. Place 2 tablespoons of sugar onto a plate, pour in the walnuts and stir with two forks coating them in caster sugar. Pour over additional caster sugar. Place the walnuts onto a new plate and separate them by hand. Let cool for 30 minutes or less until you make your ice cream.


Take the ice out of the freezer and now with the knife, a wooden stick just make forcefully holes in the ice to make it into a slush. It seems that it is very hard but it turns into a slush at no time. Beat all the ice in and then take the ice cream out of the fridge place the pot that it has been in in the pot with ice and stir for 5-6 minutes scraping of at the bottom and the sides of the pot.

ADDING IN THE AIR...5 minutes of work

Without removing the pot from the ice, just plug in your electric mixer and mix at hight speed for 5 minutes until the ice cream doubles in volume. 


Add in the caramelized walnuts to the ice cream and stir. Pour the caramel topping in the bottom of the container that you wish to keep your ice cream in and cover the sides. Pour in half of the ice cream and then pour in the caramel topping that you have been holding in warm water, the jar I mean for 5 minutes so the caramel would get nice and soft. Pour over the remaining ice cream and to with the caramel. Place in the freezer.