среда, 11. август 2010.


Idealan recept za razne prigode jer ga možete napraviti i dan unapred, a hleb neće postati gnjecav, već taman upiti koliko je potrebno. Samo ga dobro zatvorite  folijom. Pustite mašti na volju i dodajte sastojke koje volite plavi sir, orahe, lešnike, kisele krastavčiće... 


baget ( 50cm)
250g fete
150g krem maslaca (Philadelphia krem sir, Vajkrema, Krem maslac)
1 manja sveža crvena paprika  (sitne kockice)
100-130g čajne kobasice (sitne kockice)
80g zelenih maslina (sitno)
30g sušenog paradajza u ulju (sitno)
2 kašike svežeg peršuna
na vrh kašičice belog luka u prahu
na vrh kašičice suvog ruzmarina
usitnjena sredine bageta 

Ukloniti krajeve bageta i iseći ga na dva ili tri dela radi lakšeg punjenja. Izdubiti sredinu viljuškom. Spojiti fetu i krem sir i dodati ostale sastojke. Ostaviti da se malo fil prilagodi sobnoj temperaturi radi lakšeg punjenja nekih desetak minuta. Puniti baget sa oba kraja. Umotati u foliju, staviti u frižider da se stegne na bar sat vremena. Servirati šnite debljine oko 1- 1.5cm.


I have been meaning to make something like this for years, just haven't gotten around to it. The recipe is from a blog Baking Obsession and it turned out great. Let your imagination run with the ingredients: walnuts, almonds, blue cheese, pickles.....

baguette (50cm)
250g feta
150g cream cheese
100-130g pepperoni (spicy salami)diced
80g olives cut roughly
30g sun dried tomatoes
1 fresh red bell pepper diced
2 teaspoons of fresh parsley
pinch of dry garlic
pinch of rosemary
 bread middle (that you have taken out)

Slice of both ends of the baguette and cut the baguette into 2 or 3 parts (it is easier to stuff if it's not too long and it will be cut anyway). Hollow the baguette by gently scraping with a fork. Mix the two cheeses and add the rest of the ingredients. Stuff the baguette and chill in the fridge for couple of hours. Cut slices 1.5cm thick.