понедељак, 30. август 2010.


Božanstveni domaći italijanski hleb koji možete bez problema napraviti u svom domu samo ako imate malo dobre volje.

Sušeni paradajz u ulju ako ne nađete u vašim hipermarketima sigurno možete pronaći u prodavnicama zdrave hrane.


450g brašna (još oko 100g kad se premesi)
20g svežeg kvasca
250ml tople vode
pola kašičice šećera
4 kašike maslinovog ulja 
120g zelenih maslina  sečenih na krugove
100g sušenog paradajza u ulju (tanki prutići)
1 kašika ulja od sušenog paradajza
1 puna kašičica suvog ruzmarina
1 kašičica suvog bosiljka
1 kašičica suvog origana
1 kašičica soli

Staviti kvasac u 100ml tople vode sa šećerom i ostaviti ga da nadođe oko dvadesetak minuta. U pola količine brašna dodati so i suve začine, pomešati, pa dodati nadošli kvasac sa ostatkom vode i maslinovoim uljem. Zamesiti testo uz postepeno dodavanje ostatka brašna. Nije potrebno dugo mesiti, oko minut. Ostaviti testo da nadođe oko 30 minuta.

Masline, sušeni paradajz, ulje iz paradajza umesiti u testo. Lepo zamesiti dok tetso blago ne pocrveni od paradajza. U početku će imati konzistenciju plastelina i počeće da se razdvaja, ali uz postepeno dodavanje još oko 100g brašna ili koliko vam je potrebno, dobićete ponovo lepo i elastično testo. Ostaviti ga da se odmara 60 minuta.

Premesiti ga i staviti u nauljenu šerpu prečnika oko 20cm da se odmara oko 30 minuta. Peći u prethodno zagrejanoj rerni na 200 stepeni 30 minuta, onda smanjiti temperaturu na 180 i peći još 20 minuta. Izvaditi hleb iz rerne, okrenuti šerpu naopačke i malo j lupnuti o podlogu da hleb ispadne. Vratiti hleb na rešetku od rerne ali ovaj put naopačke i peći još 20 minuta.

Gotov vruć hleb umotati u kuhinjsku platnenu krpu i staviti ga u kesu na oko sat vremena da se lepo upari i omekša. Seći kad se ohladi. Čuvati zamotan u plastičnoj kesi u frižideru. Tako zadržava svežinu i 5 dana (dalje od toga ga nisam čuvala jer se uvek pojede pre tog vremena.


I absolutely adore this bread! Since I have found the recipe it is the base for almost all bread I make with numerous variations of the theme.  This bread does not require much kneading, the yeast and resting of the bread will do the work by itself.

450g of flour
20g of fresh yeast
1 teaspoon of sugar
250ml of  warm water
4 tablespoons of olive oil
00g of green olives cut into thin slices
80g of sun dried tomatoes in oil thinly sliced
1 teaspoon of dry rosemary
1 teaspoon of dry basil and oregano 
1 teaspoon of salt
1 tablespoon of oil from the dry tomatoes

Put yeast in 100ml of warm water with  sugar and  and let bubble up. In a large bowl put half of the flour, dry spices and salt and add in the yeast with the rest of the water. Add olive oil and knead the dough, slowly adding the rest of the flour. Knead for a minute, no need for more. Let the dough rest for 30 minutes.

 Add the olives, tomatoes, and oil from the tomatoes and knead them in adding in additional flour as you knead for about 5 minutes. You will need app. 100g more of flour. Leave for 60 minutes to rest. Knead again and place the ball of dough in a pot 20cm in diameter. Leave to rise for 30 minutes. Bake in the preheated oven at 200 degrees Celsius for 30 minutes. Turn the temperature down to 180 and bake for 20 more minutes. Take the bread out of the oven, remove from the pan and put it back in the oven upside down and bake for 20 more  minutes. Wrap the bread in a clean kitchen towel  and place in a plastic bag do it softens in the steam for an hour. Keep in the fridge in wrapped in a plastic bag.