Piletina, zbog svog blagog ukusa i malog procenta masnoće, nam dozvoljava veliku slobodu u kombinovanju ukusa. Sasvim obični komadi belog mesa proprženi na malo putera, koji se nađu na slojevema njoka i cherry paradajza zapačenih u rerni, rukoli i još preliveni toplim kremastim sosom od Roquefort-a daju jedno izuzetno, višeslojno jelo, kako u bojama, tako u teksturi i ukus.
Izuzetno se lako prirema, ali je potrebna mala uigranost da vam njoke, piletina i sos stignu tu negde u isto vreme.
količina za 2 osobe
400g pilećeg belog mesa
300g njoka
60g putera
20g rukole
12 cherry paradajza
30g Roquefort-a
100ml tečne pavlake za kuvanje 20%
oko pola kašičice gustina
Na 30g putera ispržite posoljne šnicle belog mesa. Njoke ubacite u ključalu vodi i kuvajte dok ne isplivaju na površinu. Gotove njoke stavite u vatrostalnu posudu tako da su u jednom redu i prelite ih sa 30g otopljenog putera. Između njoka stavite cherry paradajz presečen na pola. Uključite grill opciju rerne i pecite nekoliko minuta. Izvadite ih na papirni ubrus da on upije višak masnoće.
Dodajte izmrvljeni Roquefort i gustin u tečnu pavlaku. Na umerenoj vatri, uz stalno mešanje, dovedite do ključanja i željene gustine.
Na 2 tarnjira prvo stavite njoke i cherry paradajz. Preko stavite svežu rukolu, a preko rukole komade tople piletine. Sipajte krem sosom neposredno pre serviranja.
In a pan melt half of the butter and fry the chicken breast that you have seasoned to taste. Cook the gnocchi in salted water until gnocchi float to the top. Drain the gnocchi and toss in 30g of melted butter. Place the buttered up gnocchi and cherry tomato that you have sliced in halves in a baking dish and grill in the oven for a few minutes. In the meanwhile crumble the Roquefort in a small pot and pour the cream in. Heat until in starts too simmer and the add in the corn starch and stir until the sauce starts to thicken up. On two plates place the gnocchi and cherry tomatoes. Rocket on top and the chicken breast Pour the warm sauce over and enjoy. Recipe for two.
400g chicken breast
300g gnocchi
60g butter
20g rocket
12 cherry tomato
30g Roquefort
100ml cream
1 even teaspoon of corn starch or flour
In a pan melt half of the butter and fry the chicken breast that you have seasoned to taste. Cook the gnocchi in salted water until gnocchi float to the top. Drain the gnocchi and toss in 30g of melted butter. Place the buttered up gnocchi and cherry tomato that you have sliced in halves in a baking dish and grill in the oven for a few minutes. In the meanwhile crumble the Roquefort in a small pot and pour the cream in. Heat until in starts too simmer and the add in the corn starch and stir until the sauce starts to thicken up. On two plates place the gnocchi and cherry tomatoes. Rocket on top and the chicken breast Pour the warm sauce over and enjoy. Recipe for two.