U većini domova u Srbiji proleć ušeta onda kada zelje u izobilju stigne na pijace. Proleće je stiglo!
Prošle godine smo utvrdili da postoji razlika u Hrvatskoj i kod nas u imenovanju ove biljke. U Hrvatskoj se zeljem zove kupus, a nisam još ustanovila kako se zelje kaže na Hrvatskom. Možda se neko doseti!
Jutros je i Maja izdala post sa prelepom povrtnom varijantom čorbice od zelja, gde i možete pročitati podrobno objašnjenje o ovom zelenišu.
500g juneće rozbratne ili ribića
4 šargarepe
koren celera
koren peršuna
2 kocke za supu
2 veze zelja
3 kašike gustina i malo hladne vode
kisela pavlaka
limunov sok
U oko 3 litre vode skuvati rozbratnu zajedno sa celim šargarepama, celerom, paškanatom i korenom peršuna uz povremeno dolivanje vode koja ispari. Meso spustiti u hladnu vodu da bi bilo mekše, pa onda uključiti šporet. Procediti povrće i meso, a supu sačuvati. Meso odvojiti od kosti i dok je vruće usitniti ali onako da bude više cepkano i vlaknasto nego seckano. Šargarepe iseći na kockice, a ostalu zelen pojesti ili baciti. U proceđenu supu vratiti šargarepu, usitnjeno meso, kocke za supu i još malo vode, pa pustiti da baci ključ. Ubaciti zelje koje ste očistili od čvrstog središnjeg dela i narezati na froncle, pa kuvati dok zelje ne omekša oko 5 minuta.
Po želji zgusnuti čorbu sa gustinom ili brašnom koje ste prvo rastvorili u malo hladne vode. Pre serviranja prvo dodati pavlaku u tanjir, naliti malo čorbe, promešati, pa doliti koliko želite čorbe i limunovog soka.
Sorrel is falls in the category of collard greens I guess. I had trouble finding the adequate picture on the net, but here is what it looks like. In Serbia, sorrel can be found in all the farmer markets and usualy we use it to make beautiful spring stuffed sorrel dolmas, pitas and stews.
500g of baby beef t bone steak
4 carrots
celery root
parsley root
beef stock cubes
around 20 sorrel leaves
3 tablespoons of corn starch
sour cream
lemon juice
In around 3 liter of water cook the baby beef, whole carrots, celery root, parsnip and parsley root. When the beef is tender, drain the soup, preserve the liquid. Cut the carrots into cubes and throw away or eat the other veggies and cut the beef that you have deboned into small bite size pieces. Cut the meat along the fibers to get it shredded. Wash the sorrel leaves and remove the woody part of the plant. Cut into strips and then cut some more, but not too much. Place the clear stock pack in the pot, add the carrots, beef, additional water and stock cubes and bring to a boil. Add the sorrel and cook until the sorrel becomes tender for around 5 minutes. If you like you can thicken the soup with corn starch or flour that you have dissolved in a bit of cold water . Before serving place sour cream in a dish, add some soup, stir and then add more soup and lemon juice to taste.