Fascinirana sam aromom korena celera koja dominira ovom čorbicom. Podseća me na muskatni oraščić ili nešto slično. Celer koristim u svim bistrim supama, ali ga nakon kuvanja bacim (greh).U ovoj čorbici je celer dobio počasno mesto koje i zaslužuje.
Volim da kombinujem različite teksture u jelu. Ova svilenkasta vitaminska bomba od čorbe je u kontrastu sa elastičnim i pomalo gumastim mesnim valjušcima. Umesto belog mesa možete koristiti i druga, a ja često koristim belo meso kao dodatak, jer ga volim, a imam i zalihe u zamrzivaču. Uvek u malim kesicama, pre zamrzavanja odvojim po 100g belog mesa koje ću kasnije iskoristiti u čorbicama. Često i cele batake i karabatake sameljem pre zamrzavanja, jer su oni sočniji nego čisto mleveno belo meso. Sreća je moja što imam tri fioke u zamrzivaču, inače bi pravila zalihe kao hrčak.
ps inspiraciju za ovu čorbicu sam pronašla u Dunjinoj zelenoj juhici
1 crni luk
2 kašike putera i 1 kašika ulja
1 veći koren celera, malo stabljika i lišća
1 veća keleraba
1 paškanat
1 krompir
kocka za supu
bistra pileća supa ili voda
180g kisele pavlake
100g hladnog mlevenog belog mesa
1 jaje
1 ravna kašičica soli
2 kašičice svežeg seckanog peršuna
1 kašičica ulja
3 kašike griza
1 kašika brašna
Spojiti sve sastojke za valjuške, a količinu griza i brašna prilagoditi tako da dobijete čvršću masu. Masu staviti u fižider na sat vremena ili preko noći.
U većem loncu na puteru i ulju kratko propržiti sitno seckan crni luk, pa mu dodati kockice korenastog povrća.
Doliti 700ml supe ili vode i kuvati uz postepeno dolivanje vode dok povrće nije gotovo. U procesoru, secku ili štapnim mikserom napraviti krem potaž, pa vratiti u šerpu i doliti vode do željene gustine.
Pustiti da baci ključ, pa potom mokrim prstima ubacivati valjuške u čorbu, tako što prstima odvojimo malo mase i vučemo uz ivicu tanjira; kuvati ih oko desetak minuta. Skloniti sa šporeta i dodati pavlaku koju smo razredili sa par kašika čorbe.
The contrast of this silky and creamy soup with the elastic and a bit chewy dumplings is the main characteristic of this soup. The aroma of the celery root that reminds me of nutmeg dominates in the dish. Here in Serbia we are used to having the root rather then the stalk of the celery in our soups. Either one is a very healthy version of this vitamin bomb of a soup.
1 onion diced
2 tablespoons of butter and 1 tablespoon of oil
1 celery root diced and half a cup of cut stalk with leaves
1 large kohlrabi diced
1 parsnip diced
1 potato diced
Knorr stock cube
water or chicken stock
180ml of sour cream or just cream
100g of ground cold chicken breast or drumsticks or thighs
1 egg
1 even teaspoon of salt
2 teaspoons of parsley
1 teaspoon of oil
3 tablespoons of semolina
1 tablespoon of flour
Combine all the ingredients for the dumplings and place the bowl in the fridge for an hour. The amount of salt may seem a bit too much, but the salt will go into the soup. In a large pot heat the butter and the oil and fry the onion for a bit and add the diced root vegetables. Add stock or water, just enough to cover the veggies and cook until they are done, gradually adding more liquid that evaporates. Puree the veggies in the food processor and return to the pot. Add more water to your liking. Bring to a boil and with wet fingers make dumplings by taking a small amount of the dumpling mass and slide it along the side of the dish like shown in the picture. Drop in the boiling soup one by one and cook for around 10 more minutes. Take of the stove and add sour cream.