Ni sama nisam sigurna zbog čega se sočivo u Srbiji tako malo koristi. Ljudi čak sležu ramenima kada se pomene ova mahunarka, jer im nije poznata. Sočivo se uredno prodaje u svim supermarketima, a može se naći i u prodavnicama zdrave hrane u raznim bojama. Cena mu je i više nego pristupačna, a vreme kuvanja je znatno manje nego što je potrebno da se skuva pasulj, tričavih dvadeset minuta. Ova čorba je nastala sa idejom da se spremi kompletan obrok bogat vitaminima. Ranije sam sočivo samo kuvala sa sitno naseckanim čenom belog luka i kockom za supu. Sada sam odlučila da od babe napravim devojku. Grilovano povrće možete menjati po volji, ali ono što je primetno je specifičan miris povrća iz rerne koji se razlikuje od kuvanog povrća. Moram da priznam da ste me svi vi inspirisali da počnem da ekperimentišem sa supama i čorbama. Kao mala mrštila sma se na domaću supu, i čekala priliku kada tata bude zadužen da me čuva, jer sam onda znala da je za ručak na meniju supa iz kesice, ona sa petlom. Mljac! Omiljena pasija mi je bila da sa hladne supe skinem sloj masti i bacim ga, a da niko to ne zna. Kao da niko to nije primećivao! :)) Vremena se menjaju, pa su pileće, juneće, teleće i povrtne supice prerasle u nešto egzotično i postale neizostavni deo moje kuhinje. Nadam se da će vam se dopasti, jer vreme supica i čorbica na ovom blogu tek dolazi. Spremite se!
200g zelenog sočiva
1 čen belog luka
1litar bistre pileće supe ili vode
kocka za supu (so za posnu varijantu)
200ml paradajz soka
pola šoljice iseckane stabljike celera
lovorov list
1 kašičica suvog origana
1 kašika putera i 1 kašika ulja
1 veza blitve
1 manji celer
2 veće šargarepe
1 paškanat
1 manji krompir
kisela pavlaka 12% mm (bez za posnu varijantu)
1 kašika balzamiko sirćeta
1 kašika sitno seckanog lista celera za dekoraciju
Korenasto povrće iseći na kockice, posoliti, preliti sa malo maslinovog ulja i peći na 220 stepeni u plehu od rerne koji ste obložili papirom za pečenje dok povrće ne dobije hrskavu koricu; povremeno povrće promešati u plehu, ali paziti da je uvek složeno u jednom redu.
Sočivo isprati pod mlazom hladne vode. Na puteru i ulju propržiti kratko sitno seckan beli luk, pa dodati sočivo, iseckanu stabljiku celera, lovorov list, kocku za supu i pileću supu ili samo vodu. Kuvati oko 30 minuta, tj. dok sočivo nije gotovo. Skloniti sa ringle, pa deo sočiva koji želite da ostane u zrnu odvaditi, a ostatak štapnim mikserom ili u secku pretvoriti u pire; spojiti propasirano i celo zrno sočiva. Doliti paradajz sok, koncentrat paradajza ili svež samleven paradajz pred kraj kuvanja. Doliti još malo vode ili supe do željene gustine. Vratiti na šporet i dodati tanko sečene duge rezance blitve, pa kuvati još malo.
Gotovoj čorbi dodati kašiku balzamiko sirćeta. Servirati kao na slici ili grilovano povrće dodati skuvanom sočivu pre ili posle pravljenja pirea. Ukrasiti pavlakom i listom celera.
Lentils are not a daily part of the Serbian diet and I must say this great vegetable is somewhat forgotten in my country. It can be bought at any food store in a variety of colors. The price is more then affordable, cooking time is short and it provides a wholesome meal. I made lentil soup before just with garlic and salt, but I have decided to spice it up a bit. The vegetables that you grill can be changed according to your taste and season, but I must tell you that the veggies that came out of the oven had a very specific and distinctive taste. I was not a fan of soups and stews as a child, and I loved when father was the one in charge of cooking my lunch because I knew the soup would come out of the can. I am developing a great fondness for them, as time goes by and as I unearth the secrets of the great soups I am adding my twist to all of them. I hope you like this one because there are many more to come out of my kitchen.
200g of green lentils
1 clove of garlic finely cut
chicken or beef stock
Knorr stock cube
200ml of tomato juice
handful of celery stalk and leaves finely cut
bay leaves
1 teaspoon of dry oregano
1 tablespoon of butter and 1 tablespoon of oil
one cup of chard cut into long strips
1 smaller celery root
2 large carrots
1 parsnip
1 small potato
sour cream
1 tablespoon of aceto balsamico
1 tablespoon of finely cut celery leaves
Cut the root vegetables (celery, carrots, potato and parsnip) into small cubes, salt and sprinkle with olive oil. Place in a baking tray that you have lined with baking paper and bake at 220 degrees Celsius (no fan) until you get nice crisp vegetables. You can turn on the grill in your oven and place the tray on the top rack; the veggies should be placed in one layer and once or twice stirred a bit. Wash the lentils under cold water. In a large pan on butter and oil fry the garlic for a couple of seconds, add the lentils, the celery stalk, bay leaves, oregano, stock cube and the chicken or beef stock or just use plain water. Cook for around 20 to 30 minutes, or until the lentils are done. Take of the stove and take a cup of the lentil out that we want to preserve as whole and puree the rest a bit. Place the whole lentils back in the soup. Place the pot back on the stove and add the chard; cook for 10 minutes more. Add the tomato juice, tomato concentrate or fresh tomatoes. When the chard is cooked add one tablespoon of the aceto to the soup. Serve with the grilled veggies on top and a tablespoon of sour cream sprinkled with finely cut celery leaves.