500g sitnih kockica krompira
1 šargarepa sečena na kockice
kocka za supu
150g kockica kuvane šunke (specijalna tirolska plećka-Matijević)
60g putera
700ml mleka
gustin ili brašno
U 800ml vode skuvati kockice krompira i šargarepe. Pred kraj kuvanja ubaciti šunku. Doliti vodu da bi nadopunili ono što je isparilo i dodati kocku za supu. Pustiti da baci ključ. Skloniti sa šporeta, pa lagano dodati redak bešamel koji ste napravili u zasebnoj šerpi od 700ml mleka, putera i brašna. Ja koristim lakši metod, tj. u mleko dodam puter, pustim da provri i da se puter otopi, pa zgusnem sa gustinom koji sam razredila u vodi; tako postignem željenu konzistenciju, tj. ređi bešamel. Vratiti na šporet da baci ključ. Dodati so po ukusu. Servirati sa peršunovim listom.
800ml of water
500g of potato cut into small cubes
1 carrot cu into small cubes
Knorr stock cubes
150g of boiled ham cut into cubes
700ml of milk
60g of butter
Boil the potato and carrot cubes in 800ml of water. When almost done add the ham cubes, stock cubes and the water that has evaporated and bring to a boil. Take of the stove and pour in the bechamel that you have prepared in another pot. Pour the milk into a pot and drop in the butter, cook until the butter has melted and then add the flour that you have previously dissolved in some water to get a smooth paste. The bechamel should not be thick. Bring the soup to a simmer and. Salt to taste and serve with parsley.