петак, 15. октобар 2010.


Naša Cooketa je  pravila ovu Grčku supu u okviru posta Grčka-Tuga za Jugom. Supa je kremasta, svilenkasta, lagana, s daškom leta, osvežavajuća i izuzetno bogata.  Da  citiram Selmu: "Za pripremu ove izdašne juhe na pravi način trebala bi vam jedna kokica čiju povijest poznajete ili barem poznajete onog ko će vam je prodati (takođe očistiti za vas). To je ona žgoljava stara koka koja skakuće po dvorištu i hrani se kukuruzom i žitom. U slučaju da je i vama, kao i meni, takva stara kokoš nedostupna, ostaje vam piletina iz uzgoja. Debela, mlada i definitivno sočna." Usudila sam se da napravim par malih izmena, pošto nisam našla staru kokoš, a ona debela i mlada je čučala u mom zamrzivaču u obliku šnicli belog mesa. Htela sam da probam verziju s orzom, koju Selma navodi, ali orzo nisam našla u Beogradu, tako da je pirinač poslužio. Umesto peršuna  dodala sam mirođiju i povećala  količinu jaja. Hvala Selma na još jednom odličnom receptu!


1 crni luk sitno seckan
3 šargarepe- kolutovi ili kockice
1 čaša seckanih stabljika celera 
manji koren celera (1/4 malih kockica, ostalo u komadu)
200g belog mesa- kuvanog i cepkanog (sačuvati vodu u kojoj se kuvalo)
100g orza (ječma) ili pirinča
kocka za supu i so
sok od jednog limuna 
3 jaja

Na malo ulja kratko propržiti luk. Dodati svo povrće, piletinu i naliti vodom, oko 1,5l. Pustiti da proključa, pa dodati pirinač. Kuvati dok pirinač nije gotov, a povrće kuvano. Zasebno umutiti viljuškom jaja i limunov sok, pa dodati kutlaču tople supe da ne ispadne kajgana u supi. Skloniti supu sa šporeta i dodati joj umućena jaja sa limunom. Vratiti na šporet i kuvati još malo da se supa zgusne. Posuti mirođijom.


A fellow blogger Cooketa made this wonderful Greek soup and presented it in a fantastic post about Greek cooking. Creamy, silky, light, with a hint of summer in a spoon, refreshing and incredibly rich, this soup is a gem amongst soups. To quote Selma "To prepare this rich soup as it was meant to be prepared, you will need a chicken whose origin you are familiar with or you know the person who is selling it to you (who will clean it up for you)". I am talking about an old chicken that runs free on a farm and has an abundant diet of corn and wheat. In a case that you are not able to get your hands on such a creature, as I was, you are left with a store bought chicken. Fat, young and juicy." I felt free to change the recipe a bit, since my chicken was in the freezer in a shape of cleaned white meat. I wanted to try the version with orzo, but I could not find it in Belgrade in stores, so I used rice, as Selma recommended.Instead of parsley, I added dill and I increased the amount of eggs in the soup. Thank you Selma for another great recipe!

1 onion diced
3 carrots sliced or diced
1 cup of celery stalks cut
1 cup of celery root diced
200g of boiled white meat shredded (save the stock)
100g of orzo or rice
stock cubes
juice of one lemon
3 whole eggs
1.5l of water

In a large pot on couple of tablespoons of oil fry the onion. Add the vegetables, cooked chicken and water. Bring to a boil and add orzo or rice. Cook until the rice or orzo are done. It takes about the same times for them and the veggies to cook. In a bowl lightly beat the eggs and lemon juice with a fork. Add a cup of warm soup to the mixture to temper the eggs, so you won't get egg drop soup. Take the soup of the stove and pour in the eggs. Put back on the stove and cook for a bit more to thicken it. Sprinkle with dill.