уторак, 21. септембар 2010.



3 jaja blago umućena viljuškom
300g sitnog sira ili fete
200ml ulja
180g kiselog mleka
40g kvasca razmućenog u 100ml vode i 100ml toplog mleka
1 kašičica soli
1 kašičica sirćeta
1100g brašna
12g prašaka za pecivo
duboko ulje za prženje

Staviti kvasac da nadođe u  toplom mleku i vodi. Ulupati blago jaja, dodati sir, ulje, kiselo mleko, so, pa dodati pola brašna, prašak za pecivo, kvasac i sirće. Sve umutiti ručno, pa postepeno dodati brašno dok se ne dobije glatka i elastična masa koja se ne lepi za ruke. Testo odmah staviti u kesu pa u frižider na oko 60 minuta. Razoklagijati hladno testo na oko 1.5-2 cm debljine i seći pravougaonike 12 x 3-4cm. Spuštati u vrelo i duboko ulje.  Tek kada se jedna strana isprži okrenuti pirošku u ulju. Ređati ih na žicu od rerne koju ste stavili na pleh od rerne da se lepo ocede i prosuše na vazduhu zbog lepe hrskave korice. Pečene se mogu zamrznuti.


    3 eggs lightly beaten
    300g ricotta or feta
    200ml sunflower oil
    180g sour cream
    40g fresh yeast  placed in 100ml of warm water and 100ml of warm milk
    1 teaspoon of salt
    1 teaspoon white vinegar
    1100g of flour
    12g of baking powder
    sunflower oil for deep frying

    Place the yeast in warm milk and water and let bubble for 15 minutes. In a large pot add eggs, feta or ricotta, oil, sour cream, salt and then add half of the amount of flour and baking powder with yeast that has dissolved in milk and water and add vinegar. Mix by hand and slowly add the rest of the flour and knead into an elastic dough that does not stick to your fingers. Knead for 5 minutes, no need for more, place in a plastic bag and put in the fridge for an hour. With a rolling pin roll out on the floured surface around 1.5cm thick.  Cut rectangles 12x 3-4 cm with a pizza cutter or a knife. Fry in sizzling hot deep oil. Don't flip the dough right away wait for one side to turn golden. Let them air dry, don't place one on top of the other they will get soggy. Best if eaten warm with feta.