Jednostavna tost torta može postati i pravo malo remek delo, a sve što je potrebno je malo mašte i vremena. Jedino na šta vam mogu skrenuti pažnju je da pri kupovini birate najmekši i najsvežiji tost i da obratite pažnju da nije ulubljen. Ja sam koristila tost proizvođača Hleb&Kifla i sa njim sam jako zadovoljna. Njihovi tost je uvek mek, a i komadi su veći, pa možete da izvučete veće krugove pri rezanju.
Nemojte čekati goste i specijalne prilike da bi ovo napravili. Ugodite sebi i svojim bližnjima, jer i sasvim običan dan može biti povod za slavlje, ako ga vi učinite takvim. Pustite mašti na volju, i neka vam ove fotke budu samo početna inspiracija.
količina za 6 mini individualnih tortica
12 kriški svežeg crnog tost hleba
12 kriški svežeg belog tost hleba
540g kisele pavlake 20%mm
200ml majoneza
100g praške šunke, kockice
100g kiselih krastavčića, kockice
100g kačkavalja, sitno rendanog
50g kikirikija, seckan krupnije
2 tvrdo kuvana jaja, kockice
praška šunka, dugačke uske šnite za ružice
suva svinjska pršuta
krupno rendan kačkavalj
kikiriki, grubo usitnjen
Pomoću čaše ili sekača isecite 24 krugova od svežeg tost hleba prečnika oko 8,5cm, tj. maksimalno koliko možete da izvučete. Pravimo 6 tortica, tako da svaka ima po 4 kruga, ali da su naizmenično složeni beli i crni tost. Pomešajte pavlaku i majonez. Posolite po ukusu. Odvojite malo namaza da imate da ih namažete spolja. Na svaki krug namažite mešavina pavlake i majoneza, stavite fil, pa sledeći krug namažete u tanjem sloju pavlakom i majonezom i poklopite uz blago pritiskanje dlanom. Redosled fila nije važan, a kod mene se u prvom sloju nalazi praška šunka, u drugom jaje i krastavčići, a u poslednjem je sloji kikirikija i sitno rendani kačkavalj.
Kada završite sa 6 tortica prekrijte ih sve sa papirom za pečenja, pa preko stavite poslužavnik i preko njega lagano pritisnite da se tortice izravnaju. Ostatkom pavlake i majoneza namažite svaku torticu sa strane i uvaljajte ih u šta god želite, npr. krupno rendani kačkavalj, kockice šunke, kikiriki... Namažite gornju površinu pavlakom i majonezom i ukrasite po želji. Sveže bilje (vlašac, rukolu..) dodajte neposredno pre serviranja.
Using a glass or a cutter, cut out 24 circles out of the 24 soft toast slices around 8.5 cm in diameter. We are making 6 individual mini cakes with 4 layers of toast in each. Mix the sour cream and mayo, salt of taste. The sour cream in Serbia is very thick in consistency so you might need to add a bit less. Spread the mayo and sour cream on the toast slices like you were making a sandwich but just a bit more on the bottom and before closing place some filling in between. I used ham in between the first two slices, eggs and pickles in the second layer and peanuts and cheese in the third layer. Layer the rye and white toast alternatively. When done, place a pieces of the baking paper on top of all mini cakes and press with a light tray on top. Spread some mayo and sour cream around the mini cakes and on top and decorate them as you like with finely or coarsely grated cheese, ham cubes, peanuts...
Recept za Tost tortice je izašao u septembarskom izdanju besplatnog food blogerskog magazina o gastronomskoj kulturi MEZZE na strani 16 i 17, a pred vama je i oktobarski broj koje su naše urednice Ana i Marija sjajno odradile. Skuvajte sebi jednu veliku kafu i uživajte u sjajnim receptima i člancima koji su pred vama, do sledećeg prvog u mesecu.
This recipe was published in an online food bloggers magazine MEZZE. I am inviting you to take a look at a the MEZZE magazine and see what food blogging scene of Serbia has to offer. We are sorry but for now the recipes are only in Serbian, but on the 2. and on the 3. page you can click on the MEZZE team and go straight to our blogs since some of us have blogs with english translation.
12 rye toast slices, soft
12 white toast slices, soft
540g sour cream, 20% fat
200ml mayonnaise, saltes to taste
100g ham, small cubes
100g pickles, small cubes
100g cheese, finelly grated
50g peanuts, coarsly chopped
2 hard boiled eggs, small cubes
long strips of thinly sliced ham for the roses
thinly sliced cured
cheese, grated
peanuts, coarsly chopped
Using a glass or a cutter, cut out 24 circles out of the 24 soft toast slices around 8.5 cm in diameter. We are making 6 individual mini cakes with 4 layers of toast in each. Mix the sour cream and mayo, salt of taste. The sour cream in Serbia is very thick in consistency so you might need to add a bit less. Spread the mayo and sour cream on the toast slices like you were making a sandwich but just a bit more on the bottom and before closing place some filling in between. I used ham in between the first two slices, eggs and pickles in the second layer and peanuts and cheese in the third layer. Layer the rye and white toast alternatively. When done, place a pieces of the baking paper on top of all mini cakes and press with a light tray on top. Spread some mayo and sour cream around the mini cakes and on top and decorate them as you like with finely or coarsely grated cheese, ham cubes, peanuts...
Recept za Tost tortice je izašao u septembarskom izdanju besplatnog food blogerskog magazina o gastronomskoj kulturi MEZZE na strani 16 i 17, a pred vama je i oktobarski broj koje su naše urednice Ana i Marija sjajno odradile. Skuvajte sebi jednu veliku kafu i uživajte u sjajnim receptima i člancima koji su pred vama, do sledećeg prvog u mesecu.
This recipe was published in an online food bloggers magazine MEZZE. I am inviting you to take a look at a the MEZZE magazine and see what food blogging scene of Serbia has to offer. We are sorry but for now the recipes are only in Serbian, but on the 2. and on the 3. page you can click on the MEZZE team and go straight to our blogs since some of us have blogs with english translation.