недеља, 13. мај 2012.


Fine, vazdušaste veknice belog hleba punjene  maslinama su idealan način da započnete dan. Recept je iz časopisa Sale&Pepe. Izuzetno se lako i lepo prave. Dosta vremena se provede u čekanju da testo nekoliko puta naraste ali  je zaista vredno čekanja.


15g svežeg kvasca
pola kašičice šećera
200ml mlake vode

300g brašna
malo soli
pola kašičice šećera

150ml mlake vode
300g brašna
2 kašike ulja

cele masline - zelene ili crne (količina po volji)

Staviti kvasac sa šećerom u 200ml tople vode i ostaviti ga da nadođe na toplom mestu. U većoj šerpi pomešati 300g brašna, malo soli i pola kašičice šećera. Dodati nadošli kvasac i promešati viljuškom. Ostaviti da se  testo odmara 30 minuta.

Testu dodati 150ml vode, ulje i postepeno još oko 300g brašna. Zamesiti glatko i elastično testo koje se ne lepi za ruke. Ostaviti ga da se odmara 60 minuta.

Premesiti testo. Formirati oblik valjka i podeliti ga nožem na 4 jednaka dela. Svaki deo oklagijom rastanjiti na veličinu od oko 24x30-32cm.  Ovih 30-32cm se odnosi na kraću stranu vašeg pleha od rerne. Ako je kraća strana manja onda razvucite manje. Okrenuti testo tako da je kraća strana okrenuta ka vama, pa po dužini, u srednjem delu testa poređati cele masline, a onda preklopiti desni deo preko srednjeg dela, pa levi deo preko njega. Ponoviti postupak sa preostale 3 jufkice. Prebaciti duguljaste vekne u pleh koji ste obložili papirom za pečenje i malo nauljili, tako da je preklop testa okrenut na dole. Ostaviti ih da se odmaraju oko 90 minuta u plehu.

Peći na 210 stepeni oko 20 minuta, pa isključiti rernu i peći još 5 minuta. Pre pečenja na dno rerne staviti šerpu sa vodom. Vreli hleb zamotati u čistu krpu pa ih sa sve krpom staviti u plastičnu kesu na kratko da omekšaju, da se malo upare.


This recipe is a wonderful example Italian bread. It is from a Serbian edition of the Italian magazine Sale and Peppe. Use whole olives of your choice or skip the olives and enjoy the simplicity of the great bread.

15g fresh yeast
half a teaspoon of sugar
200ml lukewarm water

300g flour
half a teaspoon of salt
half a teaspoon of sugar

150ml lukewarm water
300g flour
2 tablespoons of oil


Place the yeast with sugar in 200ml of water and let it bubble up in a warm place for around 20 or so minutes. Place 300g of flour in a large pot. Add in the sugar and the salt, and then add in the bubbled up yeast and stir. Leave for 30 minutes to rest. Add in 150ml of water, oil and gradually add in 300g of flour and knead until you get a nice and elastic dough. Leave to rest for 60 minutes. Knead again and divide into 4 balls. Roll each ball into a rectangle around 24x30cm so that the shorter side is facing you. Place olives in the middle part of the rectangle, and then just flip over the olives the right hand side, and then flip over the left side. Repeat with the rest of the dough balls. use as much olives as you like. Place the bread in the oven pan lined with baking paper that you have greased with oil. Let sit in the pan for 90 minutes. Place a small pot of water at the bottom of your oven. Bake at 210 degrees Celsius for 20 minutes then turn of the oven and bake for an additional 5 minutes. Roll hot bread in a clean kitchen cloth and place together with a clothe in a plastic bag or just cover the baking pan where they have been baked with another baking pan so they would get softer.