четвртак, 23. децембар 2010.


Natašin brzi burek je položio test u mojoj kuhinji i dobio medalju za recept godine. Obzirom da burek sa mesom ne kupujem, moram priznati da sam oduševljena receptom i finalnim prozvodom. Ukoliko meso izdinstate dan unapred, burek je gotov dok se rerna zagreje. Hvala Nataša! Drugo mesto ove godine drže Natašine đulbastije koje su najsočnija varijanta faširanih koje sam probala.

aluminijumska okrugla tepsija prečnika oko 25cm

500g kora za pitu

50ml ulja
250ml mlake vode
so po ukusu- jedna ravna kašičica

250g mlevenog mesa
2 manje glavice crnog luka
biber i so
2 kašike ulja za dinstanje mesa

U čaši spojiti vodu, ulje i so za fajtanje, ali unapred odvojiti 30ml za zalivanje pečenog bureka Sitno seckan i crni luk prodinstati na ulju, pa dodati mleveno meso koje ste pobiberili i posolili.  Nauljenu okruglu tepsiju (prečnika 25cm) obložiti sa 4 kore tako da vise sa strane kao na slici. Fajtatti malo između kora. Ostatak kora iscepkati na manje delove. Staviti preko malu količinu mesa, pa potom deo cepkanih kora koje poprskate.

    Ređati tako naizmenično kore i meso dok nadev i kore ne potrošite, a usput fajtati.

    Poslednji sloj treba da bude meso koje ćete preklopiti korama koje vise sa strane. Složeni burek još malo pofajtati takoda ste utrošili sve od tečnosti osim onih 30ml koje ste na početku odvojili.

      Peći na 200 stepeni oko 40 minuta ili duže da lepo porumeni. Burek na kraju možete i okrenuti naopačke pomoću velikog tanjira da vam se donja strana lepo zapeče, ako već nije rumena i hrskava. Ponovo ga okrenuti, tj. vratiti na početno i sada zaliti sa 30ml tečnosti koju ste na početku odvojili i vratiti u rernu na još 5 minuta pečenja. Ostaviti desetak minuta da se odmori, pa ga rezati na četvrtine.


        Burek is a traditional breakfast in the Balkans and can be bought in any bakery. Filo sheets are made by hand by the burek masters that work in the bakery. It is a good job that pays well if you are a good master. It  comes with cottage cheese, plain with no stuffing and ground beef. The one with ground beef is actually called burek and all the rest are pitas, but here we call them all burek. When a bakery has good burek the word spreads quickly and you can usually see the line of people forming quickly in the morning. Today we are eating healthier but sometimes I  prefer to enjoy this delicacy for lunch. This recipe is not made from scratch, but from store bought filo pastry. It is a good recipe for those living abroad and those who are not familiar with making their own filo like our grandmothers used to make.

        500g of fillo pastry
        50ml of oil
        250ml of warm water
        salt- one even teaspoon

        250g of ground meat
        2 small onions finely cut
        salt and pepper
        2 tablespoons of oil for frying the meat

        Fry the onion on 2 tablespoons of hot oil in a pan until it becomes translucent and then add in the ground meat. Salt and pepper to taste. Mix together in a glass 50ml of water, 250ml of sunflower oil and 1 even teaspoon of salt. Set aside 2 tablespoons of this liquid for when the burek is done. This is your mixture for sprinkling the filo sheets. Oil the round pan that is 25cm in diameter. Place four filo sheets so they overlap on the bottom of the pan and they hang out. Tear the rest of the filo sheets by hand into smaller parts. Sprinkle in between the sheets with the liquid. Place some meat on the filo , place some torn filo sheets, sprinkle, and repeat until you have used up all of your filo and meat and almost all of the liquid. The last layer before closing should be the meat. Now close inward the overhanging sheets of filo and sprinkle in between. Sprinkle on the top. Place the burek in the preheated oven and bake at 200 degrees Celsius for around 40 minutes until nice and golden. Check the bottom to see if it is nice and crispy. If it is not then turn over the burek using a large plate. Just place the plate over the burek, flip it and slide the burek back in. Bake some more until a nice crust forms. Flip it again and now place the remaining 2 tablespoons of the liquid, and return to the oven and bake for 5 more minutes. Let cool for 10 minutes, cut into 4 parts and enjoy.