Još jedan recept iz Andreine kuhinje i odista ponovo egzotičan. Moram da priznam da me je kupila viskijem. Viski nikada nije dotakao nijednu moju šerpu, jer ja prosto ne znam gde bi ga stavila. Andreina smela kombinacija viskija i bosiljka, sa bukovačama, uz sladunjav, blag i hrskav indijski orah je pun pogodak. Savršeno slaganje ukusa kao kod svih njenih kreacija. Odličan recept!
40g putera
400g bukovača, trakice
2 poklopca viskija
pestohvat suvog bosiljka
1 litar vode
so (pečurke ne vole suvi začin)
200ml pavlake za kuvanje
200ml kisele pavlake
indijski orah
Na otopljenom puteru spustiti bukovače i pržiti dok ne puste vodu. Zaliti viskijem, dodati bosiljak i pirjati desetak minuta. Odvaditi malo bukovača, a ostatak staviti u blender ili umutiti štapnim mikserom uz mali dodatak vode. Vratiti pire u šerpu kao i komadiće bukovača. Posoliti i naliti vodom, oko litar. Ostaviti da proključa. Skloniti sa vatre i dodati tečnu i kiselu pavlaku. Indijski orah prepržiti na suvom teflonu i posuti neposredno nakon serviranja čorbe. Prženje je bitno jer tako orah neće brzo omekšati u supi. Naravno, ja sam to zaboravila da uradim.
Recept prenosim u duploj meri, jer nema smisla praviti ovu divnu čorbu u maloj količini. Zbog nedostatka tečne pavlake, drugu sam nadomestila kiselom pavlakom.
Another fantastic recipe from Andrea's kitchen and again an exotic recipe, just like her kitchen. I was fascinated with the whiskey in the recipe. Whiskey has never touched any of my pots and if it was left up to me to decide, I simply would not know where to put it. This bold combination turned out so well, that I do not recommend making this soup without it. The crunchiness of the cashew nuts in a creamy soup together with the chewy oyster mushrooms and then the after taste of the alcohol. A perfect combination. The oyster mushrooms grow on trees so they should not be washed, but just whipped clean with a wet cloth.
40g of butter
400g chopped oyster mushrooms
2 full top caps of whiskey
pinch of dry
1 liter of water
200ml of cream
200ml of sour cream
cashew nuts
Fry the chopped mushrooms on melted butter until they start letting the moisture out. Add whiskey, dry basil and continue cooking for another 10 minutes. Take a full spoon of the mushrooms out and place the rest of the mushrooms in a food processor adding a bit of water. Make a nice cream. Pour the puree back in the pot, add the chopped mushrooms, salt and water. Bring to a boil. Take of the stove and add cream and the sour cream in. Just before serving add the lightly pan fried cashew nuts on top of the soup.