Nešto što će se dopasti i onima koji vole i ne vole egzotiku. Provereno!
300g svinjske krmenadle bez kosti, sečene na komade
80g putera
1 kašika ulja
1 kiselija jabuka, Granny Smith
1 pomorandža
180ml kisele pavlake 20%mm
limunov sok
so, suvi začin (Vegeta, Začin C)
Na 30g putera i ulju ispržiti komadiće krmenadli, pa na kraju posoliti i dodati suvi začin. Izvaditi meso, a u saftu od prženja koji je ostao rastopiti 40g putera, pa dodati jabuku koju ste oljuštili i usitnili na manje komade, pa pirjati dok jabuka ne omekša. Dodati kockice kriški pomorandže (opnu ne skidati) i propirjati par sekundi, pa vratiti meso i promešati. Ako malo duže pirjate pomorandža ćese raspasti, ali i to nije loša varijanta jer se to meni desilo i ništa nije smetalo. Skloniti sa ringle i umešati kiselu pavlaku, dodati 10g putera u kockicama, dodati još suvog začina po potrebi i malo limunovog soka po ukusu. Servirati uz pirinač ili pastu.
300g of pork chops deboned and cut into small pieces
80g of butter
1 tablespoon of oil
1 Granny Smith green apple
1 orange
180ml of sour cream
lemon juice
On 30g of melted butter and oil fry the pork chops cut into bite size pieces and salt near the end. Take the meat out, preserving the butter and the drippings and add 40g of butter and a chopped apple. Fry the apple until it softens. Add the orange that you have cut into bite size pieces without removing the thin skin and fry for 30 seconds. Add the meat to the sauce, and stir. Take of the stove and add in the sour cream, salt and lemon to taste. Add 10g of butter. Serve with rice or pasta.