четвртак, 10. март 2011.


Možda ste primetili da sam veliki ljubitelj supa i čorbi, a tokom proteklih nekoliko meseci dok sam vodila računa o težini tanjir ovako bogate čorbe je bio moj ručak. Kompletan obrok, bogat povrćem, žitaricama, posnim mesom i mlečnim mastima. Tokom djete nije dobro lišavati organizam masnoće, jer će organizam ući u stanje hibernacije. Buniće se i štrajkovati, a to će biti evidentno kada stanete na vagu, jer organizam ne zna kada će sledeći put obrok stići, ako ga lišavate svega. Zato sam uživala u ovakvim gustim čorbicama, a ostalim danima bareno povrće, bareno meso i ribu sam kombinovala sa bistrim nemasnim supama. Pa da krenemo, jer su se supice i čorbice nakupile u draftu, a ionako stiže proleće i nove povrtne kombinacije.


700g pilećih bataka, karabataka ili 500g belog mesa sa kostima
3 litre vode
1 paškanat
1 koren peršuna
1 koren celera
1 veći crni luk

80g integralnog pirinča
100g smrznutog graška

2 kašike putera
2 kašike ulja
200g šampinjona-listići
3 kašike suvih vrganja potopljenih u 100ml vruće vode

kocka za supu, suvi začin, so
 2 do 3 kašike brašna ili gustina

250ml tečne slatke pavlake Imlek 36%mm ili pavlaka za kuvanje

U 3 litre hladne vode spustiti pileće meso, celer, paškanat, koren peršuna i crni luk koji ste prvo oljuštili, široko zasekli na vrhovima i prepekli na plotni dok ne pocrni na nauljenoj aluminijumskoj foliji; tokom kuvanja postepeno dolivajte vodu koja ispari.

 Za to vreme zasebno skuvajte integralni pirinač; on se duže kuva, negde oko 40 minuta, a na pola kuvanja pirinču dodajte grašak. Na kraju procedite pirinač i grašak i sklonite sa strane. 

Kada je piletina kuvana procedite supu, bacite ili pojedite korenasto povrće i luk, a sa pilećeg mesa skinite kožicu, kosti i fino ga dok je još uvek toplo iskidajte tako da dobijete dugačka tanka vlakna; ovaj efekat se teže postiže ako se meso ohladi. 

U velikoj šerpi na na ulju i puteru uz stalno mešanje propržite šampinjone i blago usitnjene, oceđene i hidrirane vrganje; sačuvajte vodu u kojoj su se vrganji natapali. Pečurkama dodajte bistru pileću supu, pirinač i grašak, cepkanu piletinu, kocku za supu, so ili suvi začin i pustite da baci ključ, pa kuvajte oko 10 minuta na tihoj vatri da se ukusi ne sjedine; dodajte još vode, po potrebi. 

U maloj šoljici pomešajte brašno ili gustin sa hladnom vodom, onako da se dobije masa gušća nego za palačinke. Pojačajte ringlu i dodajte pastu od brašna ili gustina uz povremeno mešanje. Pustite da se kuva nekoliko minuta. Efekat gustine će biti veći kad se čorba malo prohladi. Sklonite čorbicu sa ringle i sipajte u nju slatku pavlaku (neumućenu) ili pavlaku za kuvanje. Pre serviranja u tanjir možete sipati i kašiku kisele pavlake, pa dodati malo čorbe, razmutiti i sipati ostatak čorbe, za dodatnu kremastu strukturu.


I am a big fan of soups, stews and chowders as you might have noticed. I tend to make my own combinations to please my taste. In the last couple of months I have lost around 20lb (10kg) and had a lot of soups and stews for lunch. One large bowl of this stew full of veggies, chicken, dairy and rice was a perfect lunch for me. The rest of the days I ate steamed veggies, cooked lean red meat, fish, but never gave up on the rich plate of this kind. Well, this is a whole meal in itself, and the rest of the days I combined the above mentioned with clear soups. I have a lot of beautiful combinations in my draft box, so here we go.

700g of chicken drumsticks and thighs or 400g of chicken breasts
3 liters of water
1 parsnip
1 parsley root
1 celery root 
1 large onion

80g wild rice
100g frozen peas

2 tablespoons of butter
2 tablespoons of oil
200g of button mushrooms sliced
3 tablespoons of dry porcini mushrooms hydrated in 100ml of hot water
stock cube, salt
2 to 3 tablespoons of flour or cornstarch

250ml of cream

In 3 liters of water add the chicken drumsticks, thighs or breast, celery, parsnip, parsley and an onion that you have peeled, sliced at the bottom and at the top and on aluminum foil that you have oiled fried on the stove until it turns black. This will seal in the flavor of the onion and make it sweet. Keep adding water to replace the one that has evaporated. In the mean time cook the rice in a separate pot and somewhere in the middle of cooking add the frozen peas. Drain and set aside the rice and the peas. Then the chicken is cooked drain the soup, and set the chicken aside. Throw away the veggies or eat them separate. While the chicken is still warm with hands shred into long pieces. This process of hand shredding will be hard if the chicken turns cold. In a large pot heat the oil and he butter. You need the oil so the butter does not burn. Add the mushrooms and chopped porcini mushrooms. Save the water where the porcini mushrooms have hydrated in. When the mushrooms are done add the clear stock, add in the rice, peas, shredded chicken, stock cube and salt and let boil. Add the flour or cornstarch paste that you have made mixing them with a bit of very cold water in order to thicken the stew, and let the stew boil for 10 minutes. Take of the stove and add the cream in. Before serving in a plate, place a tablespoon of sour cream, and add a bit of the stew, mix, then pour in the  rest.