Nisam veliki ljubitelj kuvane boranije, ali ovaj recept iz mamine kuhinje jako volim. Dinstana boranija na luku sa šargarepom, prelivena mlekom i jajima, pa posuta palentom i zapečena u rerni. Ako imate u kući one koji se mršte na pomen ovog povrća, probajte sa ovim jelom da ih nahranite. Sigurno neće ostati gladni.
500g sveže boranije
1 crni luk-rebarca
2 šargarepe-krugovi
svež peršunov list
800+ml vode
2/3 kocke za supu (kocka koja ide na 1litar vode, velika)
100ml mleka
2 cela jaja
4 pune kašike palente
Na 4 kašike ulja propržiti kratko crni luk, dodati isečenu boraniju i šargarepu. Doliti vode, da prekrije povrće i kocku za supu, pa krčkati uz dolivanje vode u početku dok povrće ne bude gotovo. Meni je trebalo oko 40 minuta. Na kraju treba da ostane sasvim malo tečnosti. Ako je povrće gotovo, a ostalo vam je dosta tečnosti, procedite tečnost. Dodati peršun. Sipati boraniju u nauljenu vatrostalnu plitku posudu, prečnika oko 24cm. Umutiti mleko sa jajima i preliti preko, pa posuti sa palentom. Peći u rerni na 200 stepeni dok palenta ne porumeni i dok se lepo ne zapeče, negde oko 30 minuta.
500g of yellow flat string beans
1 onion
2 carrots
fresh parsley leaf
800+ml of water
stock cube or salt
100ml of milk
2 whole eggs
4 full tablespoons of polenta
Wash the string beans and remove the edges. Cut them into smaller pieces. On 4 tablespoons of oil fry the cut onion for a minute, and add in the flat beans, cut carrots and just enough water to cover them. Add in the stock cube or salt and cook until the veggies are done refilling the water that has evaporated in the beginning. At the end you should have just a bit of water in the pot. If you have a lot of liquid just strain the beans leaving just a bit of it in. Transfer the veggies to the ceramic shallow cooking pot. Mine was 24cm in diameter, round. Add in 2 lightly beaten eggs and milk. Sprinkle the polenta on top. Bake at 200 degrees Celsius until the polenta is crispy and the beans are done in the egg mixture. It took me around 30 minutes.
Classic string bean dish made according to my moms recipe. Cooked flat yellow beans with onion and carrots, seasoned with parsley and then baked with egg and milk in the oven with the addition of a crispy polenta crunch. Cheap, healthy and an easy meal!
500g of yellow flat string beans
1 onion
2 carrots
fresh parsley leaf
800+ml of water
stock cube or salt
100ml of milk
2 whole eggs
4 full tablespoons of polenta
Wash the string beans and remove the edges. Cut them into smaller pieces. On 4 tablespoons of oil fry the cut onion for a minute, and add in the flat beans, cut carrots and just enough water to cover them. Add in the stock cube or salt and cook until the veggies are done refilling the water that has evaporated in the beginning. At the end you should have just a bit of water in the pot. If you have a lot of liquid just strain the beans leaving just a bit of it in. Transfer the veggies to the ceramic shallow cooking pot. Mine was 24cm in diameter, round. Add in 2 lightly beaten eggs and milk. Sprinkle the polenta on top. Bake at 200 degrees Celsius until the polenta is crispy and the beans are done in the egg mixture. It took me around 30 minutes.