уторак, 3. мај 2011.


Juče sam pravila Majin krambl sa višnjama i jabukama, i pošto sam fil stavila u debljem sloju ostalo mi je krambl mase koju sam, oduševljena eksperimentom sa višnjama, htela da iskoristim. Imala sam jabuke  i sve potrebne začine kod kuće, pa je jedan desert prerastao u dva. Tamara je skoro inspirisana Majom pravila krambl sa jabukama, pa sam i ja poželela da malo mućkam u svojoj kuhinji, obzirom da su retke poslastice kod kojih možete na licu mesta štelovati ukus shodno svojim željama. Više o istorijatu ovog laganog deserta možete pročitati kod Tamare.

Kao što Tamara kaže, ovde egzaktnih mera nema. Jabuke se razlikuju po kiselosti, kao i višnje, tako da prilikom pravljenja tople voćne kaše, jednostavno probate sami i prilagodite ukus sebi. Neko volim manje, a neko više šećera u kolaču. Ako su jabuke slađe, onda neka vam krambl bude sa manje šećera. Ono što vam ostane od mrvica, ako ostane, slobodno spremite u frižider ili zamrzivač za drugi put. Varijacije na temu su bezbrojne. 

Ako koristite lešnike i bademe  koji su već pečeni najbolje je da ih kratko stavite u rernu, da bi lakše skinuli opnu dok su još vrući. Servirajte dok je toplo ili kako ja više volim (danas sam probala) hladno.

5 jabuka - oko 700g očišćenih 
400ml vode
3 pune kašike kristal šećera
1 puna kašika meda
muskatni oraščić
đumbir u prahu
2 kašike limunovog soka
2 kašičice gustina

100g brašna
40g lešnika, badema ili oraha grubo iseckanih
2-3 pune kašike kristal šećera
1 kašičica vode 
60g listića putera

Staviti iseckane jabuke, šećer, med, cimet, đumbir, muskatni oraščić, limunov sok i vodu u šerpu, pa dinstati dok skoro sva voda ne ispari, a jabuke ne postanu mekane, negde oko pola sata do četrdeset minuta. Na kraju kada je ostalo malo tečnosti dodati gustin koji ste razredili u sasvim malo vode. Ako vam voda ispari, a jabuke budu gotove onda dolijte još malo vode; bitno je da imate malo tečnosti u koju ćete dodati gustin. Probajte i naštelujte prema svom ukusu. Jabuke sipajte u blago naputerisanu posudu ili individualne posudice, pa dok su vruće pospite preko krambl masom.

Spojiti sve sastojke i izraditi prstima sipkavo testo, ali ne kao za testo za pitu već da ostane u grudvicama onako rastresito i mrvičasto. Dodajte još brašna ako je potrebno. Stavite u frižider dok jabuke ne budu gotove.

Peći na 180 stepeni oko pola sata dok ne dobije lepu zlatastu boju. Servirati toplo ili hladno iz frižidera (meni je druga varijanta intenzivnija).


Yesterday I made Maja's  Cherry and apple crumble  and since I had some crumble topping left over I decided to make two desserts in one day. Tamara from Bite my cake blog was also inspired by Maja in making her Apple crumble  I had some apples sitting in my fridge (I do store my fruit in the fridge) so the fun part of making a dessert according to my taste began. You are surely familiar with this British sweet, and I found it so simple to make, and very rewarding in its taste. What I like about this recipe is that you do not have to stick to the exact amounts of the ingredients that I have written. Just taste as you go along and add a bit more, or less of the sugar and spices to your liking. You can serve the crumble in individual pots, or just make it in one big ceramic pot and then transfer to a beautiful serving dish. You can even use Martini glasses, but make sure the apples are not very hot.

5 Granny Smith apples, around 700g peeled and chopped
400ml of water
3 full tablespoons of crystal sugar
1 tablespoon of honey
powdered ginger
nut meg
2 tablespoons of lemon juice
2 teaspoons of corn starch

100g of flour
40g hazelnuts, almonds, or walnuts roughly chopped
2-3 full tablespoons of crystal sugar
1 tablespoon of cold water
60g of butter sliced cold

Place the apples, sugar, cinnamon, honey, lemon juice, nut meg, ginger and water in a pot and cook for app. 30 to 40 minutes until the apples are soft. If the liquid evaporates add some more while cooking. You should have a bit of liquid in the pot near the end so you can add the corn starch that you have dissolved in a bit of cold water to thicken the apple sauce. Now add more spices or sugar to your liking. Pour the apples in individual pots or a large one, but first butter them up and place the crumble on top. For the crumble mix all the ingredients by rubbing the butter into the flour and place in the fridge until the apples are done. Adjust the sweetness to your taste. Sprinkle generously over hot apples and bake at 180 degrees Celsius until nice and golden. Serve warm or cold out of the fridge.